Emily's POV:

When we got to the hospital, they took her bed out of the Truck and we followed after them holding onto the bed she was in. When they got to the room, we tried to follow in, but they told us we had to wait in the waiting room, so we sat down and started to wait. After 30 minuets they said we could head on in to see her. As soon as she said this, all three of us got up and ran to the room she was in. When I saw her, I got so scared that I wanted to run up, rip all that stuff off her and run out of the hospital to get her out of there and everything would be ok, but I stopped myself because I knew that wouldn't happen and I took a seat next to Cuphead and hugged him with tears in my eyes. "Who could've something like this to her. she was so sweet and innocent" I thought. Then I heard Mugman whisper "She's a favorite... what will it be like since she's not gonna be singing anymore?" Then Cuphead screams "WHY?! JUST WHY?! THE ONLY PERSON I THOUGHT I COULD HAVE A GOOD RELATION SHIP WITH IS NOW LAYING IN THE HOSPITAL BED WITH A COMA!!!" Then he stops screaming and says, "I can even hear her singing right now" I then say "Cuphead how about you stay off for a while until she gets better? I'm sure King Dice wouldn't mind if you... took a few days off...." Cuphead nods and walks out as the nurse says, "She needs rest, how about you all come and visit Tomorrow?" after she said that the two of us nodded and walk out and call a taxy home because I asked my cousin to drive it back to our apartment. When we got home, we just decided to head to sleep because it's been a long day. We can visit her tomorrow. "I hope she's ok". 

I will love you forever *Mugman x Emily OC*Where stories live. Discover now