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Emily's POV:

It's been two years since I first met Mugman and I have feelings for him...but... I know he already likes Cala Maria, so I've decided to let him be happy with her. even though it breaks my heart, it's the right thing to do. I look at the clock and it read 9:00 pm so I decided to head over to the casino to spend some time with the cup brothers and Seraph since I haven't been able to because of my job and its long hours. After I got ready, I teleported to the casino and walked in, when I did, I was immediately hugged by Seraph, and she said '' Girl it's been so long! where have you been?'' '' hey, sorry I haven't been in contact with you for a few weeks now it's just my job hours lately.'' '' oh well then if it's that then your good!'' '' thanks Bestie, you have always been a great listener.'' '' oh, it's no problem! now come-on! let's go get some drinks!'' ''kk''

Mugman's POV:

I've liked Emily ever since the day we met, I did have a crush on Cala Maria for a while, but I knew she didn't like me back, so I just let it go. I've been thinking of asking Emily out on a date for a while now and I've finally built up the confidence to ask her, so I decided to ask her today. just as I was thinking, I saw Seraph and Emily walking towards the bar ''coming to order drinks again'' I thought. As they sat down, I just kept staring at her, when she noticed me staring at her she asked '' hey Mugman are you ok?'' after she said this, I felt heat rise up to my cheeks and I was sure I was blushing from embarrassment. '' um yeah, I'm fine! hey, Emily, could I speak to you I'm private please?'' '' umm ok'' ''let's go to the hallway'' ''ok''. when we got to the hallway, I took a deep breath and bring up all my courage to ask her the question. '' so muggs, why did you want to talk to me in private?'' '' Emily I've wanted to ask you something for a long time now and I have built up all of my courage to ask you this'' '' ok, what is it?'' '' Emily, will you go out on a date with me?''. As I asked her this her eyes sparkled and she pulled me into a hug as she said " oh Mugman of course I will!!" After she said this, I hugged her back and said ''thank you''. 

Emily's POV:

I looked at him and asked "so, when and where?" " How about the beach at how about let's say 7:30 pm?'' '' Shure I'll see you there!'' I said as I kissed him on the cheek. ''bye muggy" as I started walking down the stairs to head on home when I looked back Mugman was there Blushing while holding his cheek where I kissed him waving like an Idiot.

*The next day at 7:15 pm*

I look into my closet to look for an outfit to wear and I find a blue dress that I bought only a few months ago *look down to see the dress*

                                     *The shoes*

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                                     *The shoes*

                                     *The shoes*

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*time skip after the date because I'm lazy and tired* Emily's POV:

After Mugman walked to my apartment I gave him a kiss on the cheek, thanked him and walked inside. After I took a shower I layed down in bed and before I drifted off into deep sleep, I thought to myself "Maby this will work out after all"

I will love you forever *Mugman x Emily OC*Where stories live. Discover now