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Jamil's pov
"Hurry up, Tuk!" Lo'ak, my twin brother hurried my little sister, Tuktirey.

"I'm coming." She ran up behind me, I took ahold of her gently and carefully tossing her on my back before following Lo'ak.

"Why'd you bring her anyway, bro?" Spider questioned. "Because she's like 'You're not allowed to be there. I'll tell mom if you don't let me come." Tuk poked her tongue in response, I giggled. "Don't bully your sister, Lo." I glared at him.

He rolled his eyes.

"Don't tell me you're siding with Tuk, I'm your twin brother." Lo'ak reminded.

I rolled my eyes as well, smirking. "I'm not picking sides," I gave Tuk to Kiri, a smile on my face before I took his ear remorsefully, "but you must learn to quit causing trouble, brother." He hissed in pain before I let go.

An 'ow' slipped from his lips as I laughed before following the path we were taking.

We found a ship thingy. "Are there any dead bodies up there?" Tuk asked, I shielded her protectively, a hand on my knife.

"Where's Kiri?" Tuk commented.

I looked one side to another and noticed my older sister was missing from the group, "Damn it."

We all split up, me, Lo'ak and Tuk going another way before hearing Spider and Kiri's convo. "Kiri!" Tuk yelped. "Kiri." Me and Lo'ak called from where we were.

"Are you ok?!" I searched for any wounds before we set off to go back home.

"Tracks?" I noticed before my ear twitched from a nearby noise sounding, "They're nearby." I whispered. "What are you doing?" Kiri asked. "Tracking." Lo'ak and me shared a look before nearing the area I heard the noise coming from.

Lo'ak started informing dad about our interaction,

"We're at the old shack, with me, Jamie, Spider, Kiri... and Tuk." Dad told us we had to get away quickly.

I was the first to move, grabbing Tuk's wrist protectively, suddenly Tuk screamed and I unsheathed my knife. "Let go of my baby sister, fuck face." I hissed.

"Jamie, put your weapon down." I heard Lo'ak say. I growled at them all, Lo'ak repeated, I dropped my knife before they forwarded to us. "Jamie! Kiri!" Tuk screamed in fear.

A male avatar held me down, I hissed before being forced down harshly.

The one that looked like the leader walked up to me, a smile intact. "You're a fighter." I growled in frustration, "Be calm." Kiri said before being shushed. They revealed her fingers and the leader approached my twin brother. "Show me your fingers." Lo'ak flipped him off, it was easy to escape but it would make my siblings a target.

"You're his, aren't you?" Lo'ak hissed, the leader grabbed him roughly by the braid. "Don't touch my brother, dickhead!" I threw my elbow at my holder, hearing a grunt from my imprisoner.

"I don't talk to shitheads." My twin brother remarked.

They waited for our parents. I growled and struggled against my imprisoner. "Stop fighting!" He told.

I heard a yelp from my mother, me and Lo'ak exchanged looks. 'She's here.' I thought, just as an arrow struck the head of Kiri's holder. I head butted my imprisoner's head and kneed his head.

"Tuk!" I used my cuffs to block me and break free — the bullets hitting the cause of my captivity. I dug my nail into her face before grabbing ahold of Tuk's wrist and running with her.

We both ran in a random direction to get away from the danger.

Fortunately, we bumped into my twin brother, I squeezed the life out of him. "You're safe, thank the Great Mother." I whispered deadly before finding my extra knife hidden by my ankle.

"Let's go." Tuk and Lo'ak were in in front of me.

We kept running till we were met with dad and Neteyam. "Brother!" I hugged him tightly. Till I heard that Spider was taken. Tears managed to pour down my eyes that I hid in Neteyam's neck.

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