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~3rd person POV~

Nezuko lunged towards them, faster them before, before Bakugou could react she snatched it out of his hand and put it back in the pouch making sure its securely tight.

'Agh! I can't belive I cried in front of those guys! I can't look week...' Nezuko thought.

"OI! Are we going to fight or what? Or are you too pathetic, weak, and scared to fight us you extra!" Bakugou said, mocking her.

A surge of anger rose up in Nezuko veins popped out of her forehead and her eyes forming into a deep dark black slit. She scratched open her arm, blood leaking from it, its soon burst into a gush of flames.

"H-ha AHAHA WHAT. DID. YOU. JUST. SAY. TO. ME?" Nezuko said, her words coated with toxic amount of vemon

"Are you deaf? You heard me! I said if your too scared to fight!" Baku yelled back.

Nezuko turned around with a face full of rage, if looks could kill, they would have been dead already.

"Thats more like it! Now lets go!"

Nezuko ran towards bakugou, and just as he was about to hit, she dodged it, jumping above him and landing a kick on his back, breaking several bones. She then flung him up and kicked him towards a wall.

"AGHH!" Baku groaned in pain

"Kacchan! Are you ok? You're hurt! Don't move for now, ok? I'll try to bring her down" Deku said to him, Baku was currently in too much pain to argue back.

"I thought your friend there was strong since he was rambling about how he would beat me, I guess not, he's pathetically weak" Nezuko mocked

This made Deku mad, as he jumped towards her landing a kick on her leg, ripping it off, however, this had no affect on her as she regenerated it like it was nothing.

N: "Your annoying me, guess its time to get serious"

(25 minutes timeskip)

Deku was tired out, while he had a few broken bones and barely any stamina, Nezuko was perfectly fine and had full stamina.

"How weak, how pathetic" Nezuko quietly said, she thought about the one time she saw deku on a tv screen in a shop during midnight, he always had a smile on his face, it slightly reminded her of her brother, after thinking for a while she said something to him while looking at his beat-up tired body

(Lines from the description but slightly edited

"Poor little thing, I pity you for being so weak comit your loyalty to me and I shall change yiu to something new, something strong" Nezuko said, she always had the ability to change humans into demons but never saw anyone worthy of her blood, they were too weak, dirty, and pathetic.

"No! I will never join forces with a villain who tramples over peoples lives!"

This line sparked a memory of her brother, saying the exact same thing she heard a faint voice in her head
"Nezuko, this isnt right, you have to protect humans" a voice very fimiliar, her brothers.

"No onii-chan! What im doing is right! Humans killed you! There demons! Im doing whats right... IM DOING WHATS RIGHT!" She mumbled shacking her head while gripping it, her nails piecing her head, blood dripping down her forehead, she couldn't protect humans, not after what they did, she felt her old soft and kind self coming back, she didn't want that spell in her head again, she'll never see other humans as family, the demon side of her tried to win back control. She stabbed her head with her nails one more time, finally getting the voice out of her head and her demonic personality coming back.

~Deku's POV~

She started mumbling about what she was doing was right and how "humans" deserved it, she was digging her nails inside her head, her eyes here slowly turning a soft pink her eyes looked scared, she stabbed her head one more time, her eyes turning back to a neon pink with a black slit in the middle

'It looked like she was getting controlled for a second' I thought, when I was thinking she cleared her throat and looked at me.

"Anyways- what was your answer again?"
She said, looking a bit shook for some reason

"I said I will never join you" I replied, with a serious look on my face.

"No? What a pity, guess ill have to kill you then, to bad, I was just starting to like you"

She spashed her blood all over me, I tried to get it off me even thought it would have been impossible, her blood burst into flames and I fell on the ground, I tried to get up but she jumped on top of me
(Ik it sound sus-)

She raised her hand and as she was about to slash my neck with her claws, her hand stopped about a inch away from my neck

I looked at her sharp claws that was right above my neck, I nearly had an heart attack, then I looked at her face, one eye was a soft pink and the other was the neon pink with a slit, she tried to bring her hand closer too my neck but for some reason she couldn't

"Why- Can't- I- Kill- You!-"
She said, still trying to get her hand closer to my neck, she drea her hand back and slashed at her head "UGH- I CAN'T-" She drawed her hand back and flung it towards me at a very fast rate, just as she was about to hit me, Kacchan blew her out of the way

"You thought I was down for good huh?! Well im not!!!" Kacchan shouted while blasting her out of the way, I used up too much stamina so I ended up feeling very tired I think I fell asleep, but then I woke up in a new area

"Where am I?"

Thank you so much for reading this chapter! I am very sorry for nit updating yesterday, ill try my best to hopefully update everyday!

Just a question but do you guys like the story so far? Because im trying to make the story as much enjoyable as posible, im sorta worried the plot isnt making sense or if its too boring

Again, thank you for reading! ♥

1076 words! ♡♡♡

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