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"Where am I?"

~Tanjiro's POV~

I saw someone about my age outside, he was wearing very wired looking clothing and was all beat up.

"Are you ok?" I said, running up to him, he looked very confused and scared

"W-what time period is it?" He asked, 'what a wired question' I thought

"The taisho era, anyways, come with me, your wounds look bad." I replied

~Deku's POV~

I looked around at my surroundings, there were old style houses and fields and no roads in sight, the air was also the cleanest I've ever breathed.

"W-what the-" he muttered, I was still in pain after my fight with Nezuko so I could't get up easily.

A guy came up me asking if I was alright, he had a green and black checkered haroi, 'like the one she had...' I ignored the thought, I asked him what era it was.

"The taisho era, anyways, come with me, your wounds look bad." He said

'Taisho? That was hundreds of years ago! Did I time travel? Is this a dream? Kacchans still fighting Nezuko! What do I do?' I thought

"Are you ok? You look pretty shocked, your also loosing alot of blood, here, ill carry you to shinobu-sans mansion, I hope she doesnt mind." He said

He had a kind smile, so I let him carry me
(Not a ship)

He started running at a very high speed, almost inhuman, even he himself couldn't run this speed without using his quirk, 'his quirk must be speed, wait, quirks didn't exist in the taisho era, how is he running this fast?!' I thought

"My names Kamado Tanjiro, whats yours?" He said with a nice smile.

"Mines Midoria Izuku, thank you for helping me" I said.

"Your welcome! U must have gotten in quite a fight, must have been an demon" he mumbled the last part but I still heard, 'didn't that villain Nezuko say she was a demon? If the taisho era knows what demons are, why doesn't the modern era?' I thought.

We soon got near a mansion, he jumped the walls like it was nothing, he must have been very well trained to be able to do that without a quirk.

When we got to the mansion it was big and old styled, woman with a black uniform just like tanjiro with a butterlfy like haroi came outside, she had short black and purple hair clipped together with a butterfly clip, she also had a katana just like Tanjiro

"Hello! Shinobu-san! I met this person today, his name is Midoria, I think we got caught in an demon attack last night" Tanjiro said to the woman called Shinobu.

"Oh my, a demon attack? It certainly looks like it considering the scratch marks on him, bring him over to the recovery room, I'll get some medicine to ease his pain" Shinobu-san said.

Tanjiro set me on a bed and Shinobu-san came in and came in and applied some medicine on my wounds.

"Thankfully the wounds arn't that deep, Midoria-kun, could you explain to me what exactly happend?" She asked.

"Um, well, the person I fought was a female, she had a horn and vine likd tatoos on her, she could also regenerate" I said, I left out the part about me fighting her with my quirk because it might shock them.

"Oh my, then it was certainly a demon" she said.

"Um, Shinobu-san, could you please explain to me what exactly a demon is?" I asked, when Nezuko told me she was a demon I wasn't exactly sure so I just asked.

"Well, demons are a man-eating creature who were once humans, they can regenerate and are immoral, the demon king, Muzan Kibutsuki, he has the ability to turn others into demons with his blood, us demon slayers slay them to protect humans and someday beat Muzan, demons have two weakness, sunlight, and wisteria poison, only those can kill them, we kill them by slicing their necks with nirichin blades which include a small amount of sunlight made with a special ore."
She explained

I was really shocked, demons never existed in the modern era, was that villain, Nezuko, one of the last demons? When I was lost in my thoughts, Shinobu-san left and onky Tanjiro was left

I finally snapped out of my thoughts and saw Tanjiro, he was talking ti his... Box?

"Oh! You finally snappd of your thoughts! Ik the whole demons existing is pretty new to you"

"Oh! Sorry, I guess yea, the whole demon thing look a little while to process, anyways, what were you talking to?" I asked

"Oh, I was talking to my sister Nezuko" he replied

'Nezuko? The demon? The villain? She had a green haroi while we were fighting, was that Tanjiro's haroi? She existed since the taisho era?' I was still very confused.

"Shes a demon but don't worry, she doesn't attack humans, she gets energy though sleep" Tanjiro said

'Doesnt attack people? She tried to kill me a few hours ago! Wait- this is hundreds of years ago since our fight, so there must have been a reason she turned evil...' I was overthinking again

"Nezuko, come out, its nii-chan" Tanjiro said, A small figure came out if the box, she looked exactly like the Nezuko he fought, but she looked like a child, her eyes were a baby pink with dark fushia pupils, unlike the deadly black slits he had once seen, she also had a bamboo muzzle on her mouth.

"Hmmm mmmm" ^^ she said

'She looks so different from when we fought, when we were fighting her eyes were staring daggers at me, full of hatred, but not, she was staring out me with curiosity, and innocence.

She hugged me, I was shocked because her furture self tried to kill me just a few hours ago
I hugged back and suddently I got teleported to a dark room

"What the- again?!" I shouted, after telaporting hundreds of years back in time and meeting the past self of someone who tried to kill him and then sudently getting telaported into an unknown place left me pretty confused and a little pissed.

I walked around looking for an exit when I saw Tanjiro.

"Tanjiro! There you are! Lets get out of here!" I said, I tried to grab his hand but mg hand went through him

"H-huh? What the, Tanjiro, your-" I said

"Im dead" Tanjiro cut me off

"W-what? You were alive just a few minutes ago-"

"That was the past, I died, anyways, please help Nezuko, I know she isn't herself right now but I know shes in there somewhere, just please help her get back to her normal self... Shes afraid of the sunlight, you can use that against her. Goodbye Midoria-kun, giof luck"

He started fading away

"W-wait! Tanjiro!" I called out, I felt dizzy and blacked out, I heard explosions, 'Is that Kacchan?'

I opened my eyes and saw Kacchan fighting Nezuko.



Anyways- Thank you for reading this! I finally made the chapters longer! Please make sure to vote too! I would really appreciate it!

What do u guys think will happen next?

1238 Words! ♡♡

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