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~Aizawa's POV~

I was chilling in the teachers lounge when a student barged in.


'Aw shit'

I quickly ran around the school, trying to locate her, when I heard


It was the sound of glass breaking, I ran over to where the sound was and when I got there I saw Nezuko slowly walking out 'did she break the door by herself? How? Wait- she broke off the coller!'

I quickly ran towards her, there was no time for thinking, if the lov got their hands on her they would become more hard to deal with, considering that she has multiple quirks

"NEZUKO! GET BACK HERE!" I shouted, I was about to again but whats the point, she wantsn't going to listen to me

I ran after her, I couldn't use my scarf, she was running side to side like crazy. "I NEED BACKUP AT THE BACK OF THE GATE" I said into my walkie talkie

Soon Cemontoss came
(The dude who can control cement)

"Whats going on Aizawa?!" He asked

"Theres no time for explaining! Just trap that girl up there before she escapes!!" I replied, he quickly used his quirk and created a wall in front of her and knocker her out of balance

I was getting ready to catch her when she suddently swung her body to the side and pushing herself towards the side of the wall and lunging forward

"Cementoss!" I yelled

"On it!" He replied back, he made another wall, she was about to do the same trick, but Cementoss twisted the concrete so that it wrapped around her in a ball shape

"That was close" I muttered, "Now bring her down"

As Cementoss lowered it down I could hear screaming and cursing, it was surprising on how loud she could shout considering about the 1 foot thick concrete surrounding her

Nezuko screamed

Cementoss had to wrap new layers of concrete on the ball because Nezuko would continuously break the layers, when will she run out of stamina?

We waited a few more minutes until midnight came in

"Sorry I'm late! I had a meeting to attend to"
She said

"Its ok, anyways, can you use your quirk on her now? Shes been going at it for 40 mins straight" I replied

I called Midnight to come to UA to get Nezuko to calm down, we couldn't risk giving her any chance of escaping through any exit

"On it!" Midnight said, as she walked over to the ball of cement Nezuko was inside

(Btw the ball is empty in the middle, do Nezuko can move around in there but can't get out)

She was still cussing in there, I was supprised she still had her voice

"Oh my, she sounds feisty" Midnight said, getting ready to use her quirk

"Yea, she used to be a villain, but shes still young so she still has a chance of becoming a hero" I replied

"Well I hope your guys plan works" she said, Cementoss opened a small hole inside the cement ball and now Nezukos shouting was even louder

"LET ME OUT YOU GODAMN &&######$$$$S" She yelled, Midnight quickly used her quirk and released the sleeping gas carefully making sure it only affected Nezuko and not us

"YOU LITTLE.. You.. What are you..." She got quiet and we heard her drop at the bottom of the ball.

"Well, I did what I was supposed to so toodles!" Midnight said, quickly walking out of the office, she must have gotten scared due to Nezuko's crazy screaming and cussing.

We waited a few seconds to make sure she was completely asleep, Cementoss then undid his quirk, when I looked at Nezuko, she looked more different then before, her horn was gone, as so was the vine and crack marks/tattoos on her skin

'normally physical quirk dont go away when your knocked out, thats weird'
I thought, but didn't think much about it

She soon woke up but she had cuffs on her hands and a new quirk cancelling coller.
(Even tho it doesnt work on her, he still hasn't figured it out)

I was expecting her to throw a tantrum or try to fight or break out of thr cuffs but she didn't, she just had a blank expression on her face.

I then walked with her back to her new dorm, which had bulletproof glass windows with metal bars and a door which had a security lock on it, it seamed a little too much like a prison but it was better then being in an acutal one, and safer for her and the other students
(It looks like a normal dorm room with a cream and grey color combo, just with security features)

Some of the students staired as she walked by, mostly Bakugou, he stomped over to her and tried grabbed her by the coller of her kimono

"Bakugou, just sto" I was about to say something when I was cut off

"Stay out of this sensei, im just going to talk with the extra" he said "Oi! Extra! Did u think you could get away with that? Hah... Your family probably thinks you were a disappointment, do you even have one as a villain?"

"Bakugou thats too far just-" I heard sobbing behind me and I saw tears flowing down Nexuko's face, and a few seconds later, she burst into tears

"Bakugou thats too far just-" I heard sobbing behind me and I saw tears flowing down Nexuko's face, and a few seconds later, she burst into tears

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Ill try to make even longer chapters from now on!!

Fun fact: A kpop grpup called "Trigger" had a live on tiktok a few days ago, and I said hi and they said hi back while saying my name! (예지) and today I joined their daily live and they remembered me when I said hi again!!

Anyways! Have you have a great day or night!!! ♡♡♡♡♡

1023 words!! •3•

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