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You stood there. Sure you had spoken loud enough for him to hear. So why did he stay? People would usually have walked away.

"Hmmm..." You started unsurely. "It's my gift. They find me and then kind of get clingy." Your laughter awoke something in him. "Some want to talk, some want favors, some want revenge... the list goes on."

You watched as his lips curved up in an unabashed smile you hadn't seen before. You could see the coin dropping and the realization sinking in on his face. He carded his fingers through his hair, and you were envious of his hands for a moment. How soft would it feel around your fingers? What feelings would you get from it sliding over your palm? Would he even appreciate the touch? You had to stop your arm from moving when he turned to you.

"Now it all makes sense." He tilted his head, and his strands framed his features. You silently cursed yourself when you started wondering again. Wishing for things you knew damn well you couldn't have. "Can I ask you something?"

You took a small step back and your eyes closed on their own accord. So that was the kind of person he was. You were used to people asking you to talk to their dead relatives, so why did you feel so disappointed? "I can't summon people. As I said, they find me. But go ahead. If the person is around, I can try to find them for you."

Xavier raised his hands. His eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights. "No, no, no." His voice louder than usual. "I wanted to know if that's why you keep people away."

You blinked. You never realized you kept people away. You assumed it was the other way around. People usually kept their distance, especially when they learned what you could do. Afraid it could bring them bad luck or even worse. Death.

Not that they were wrong, though.

"No. I mean, not on purpose, no."

He placed his hands in his pockets and swayed his body back and forth. "Then you wouldn't mind if I asked you out for a coffee?" The happiness in his gaze displayed for anyone to see.


"Yeah. We could go to Weathervane. In Jericho. They have other beverages if you don't like coffee."

You furrowed your brows. The first thing that crossed your mind was asking yourself if he could have gone crazy. Was he serious? You just told him you could talk to the dead, and he hasn't run away. In fact, he did the opposite and stayed, even asking you out.

Your mouth opened and closed. You tried to gather your thoughts with no success. You did the only thing you could do. Turning your back to him and walking away, you could still feel your brows furrowed.

Xavier followed you with an apology on his lips. "Look, it was just a question. You don't need to go. I hope we can at least be friends."

Halting your steps, you turned his way. "Friends?"

Your laughter took Xavier by surprise. It was loud, joyous, and free. It echoed in the morning air and floated around like music in his ears. He watched the way your body moved, and your lips curved in the most beautiful of smiles. He knew his sketchbook would be filled with that scene.

On your part, you were sure he had gone crazy. Why would someone like him want to be friends with you? Convinced something was wrong with him, you raised your hand to feel his temperature. When it rested on his forehead, and he didn't try to avoid you, your cheeks heated up, and you took it away as if it had got burned.

"What was that?" His fingers caressed his skin, and you bit your lower lip.

"You must be ill." You got back on your track and headed to where you needed to be. "You keep talking nonsense as if it was just another day."

"It's not nonsense. Why are you so surprised I want to be your friend?" Maybe more even. The last part he didn't dare to say aloud.

"No one wants to be my friend. Besides, I don't know how to be a friend. People are not my thing. I prefer the dead."

"Well, we could always try." He walked alongside you. You knew he waited for a reply, but you were too stunned to answer. After a few seconds of silence, he sighed. "I'm sorry. I don't want to push you to do something you don't want. I'll leave you alone. Have a nice day."

Instinctively your hand curled around his arm, preventing him from walking away. You didn't want him to leave but didn't know what to say or do. You held his arm and squeezed it softly. A silent request for him to stay. Request he obliged.

You walked for a few minutes longer. Xavier knew you needed space to think, so he gave it to you. The large rock came into view, and he watched as you stopped again in the same spot. Two people walked out of the shadows with smiles decorating their faces.

You glanced back at him, and your words surprised him.

"Xavier, these are my parents." They looked at him. Happiness oozed from your mother while your father looked at him with distrust. "Rest easy, father. Xavier is... a friend."

Hearing the word fall from your lips, he couldn't deny the joy in his heart. He smiled at the three of you and approached to be nearby.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." He regretted his following action. When he tried to shake your parents' hands, and they gave him a sad smile, he remembered you could talk to dead people. And your parents were sure dead since you decided to meet them there. "I'm sorry I didn't mean-"

"It's okay." Your father gave him a reassuring smile. "I'm surprised you're still here. People usually walk away."

Xavier chuckled. "Yeah. I got that impression."

"Please, pay my husband no mind. I'm Sophia." Your mother waved at him and giggled when Xavier waved back. "You're so handsome!"

"Mother!" You chastised her. Rolling your eyes, you wished you could disappear.

"Thank you." He gave her a charming smile. "I can see beauty runs in the family."

Your eyes sought his, which were already on yours. Your mouth hung open in disbelief, and you crossed your arms over your chest, trying to be as small as you could.

You saw as your father raised an eyebrow Xavier's way, and your mother laughed with delight. That morning was going to be a long one.

To your surprise, everyone behaved. No more awkward topics were raised, and the conversation flew easily. You learned more about Xavier's life and him about yours. On the way back to the dorms, you continued to share stories until you finally parted from him. Not before giving him an answer, though.

"I would love to." Your eyes didn't meet his. You tried to busy yourself by playing with the handrail of the stairs.

"I'm sorry?" He rested his hands in his pockets.

"Coffee?" You gave him a quick glance. One long enough to see him smiling at you.

"It will be a pleasure. I'm sure."

You nodded his way and walked a few steps down when you turned around, and to both of your surprises, you gave him a quick peck on the cheek. You exchanged glances before saying goodbye.

When you reached the bottom of the stairs, you heard his voice calling out to you. "Tomorrow at seven?"

"At seven it is."

The seer of life and death.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя