In your heart.

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Xavier was in Sheriff Galpin's car when the man decided to leave him alone, chained and locked in the middle of the road.

He tried to take the cuffs off without success and was about to give up when he heard something on the car's roof. Looking back, thing waved at him, and a huge smile grew on his face.


They managed to get Xavier out of the car with no time to waste. He was about to leave when he heard leaves crunching behind him. Turning to face whoever it was, he was surprised to see you standing there. You had your hands on your knees and a hard time breathing.

Looking up at him, he saw the same amount of embarrassment and annoyance in your eyes.

"I think I'm too late." Your mother appeared by your side and gave him an excited wave. Your father, though, still didn't fully trust him.

Xavier watched you clean the leaves from your clothes and hair. You started to give him an apology for being late, but he silenced you with a harsh kiss.

His fingers dove into your hair and pulled you closer. His lips were soft and delicious against yours.

It wasn't enough. He needed you closer, your smell all over him, making him forget about all and everything. When he felt your body relax against him, he held you by the waist and deepened the kiss.

He could get lost in you forever, but your father's mumble took you both back to reality. Looking at you and seeing the dazzling smile you offered him made him the happiest he had ever felt.

"Xavier." Your hands resting on his chest were his certainty you would never leave again.

"I know. I know everything. My mother told me why you left."

"I didn't want to hurt you."

"I know." He kissed you again, trying to convey his faith in you. "Let's get out of here." He laced his fingers on yours, and before he walked away, he looked at your parents and nodded.

Feeling he wasn't walking away and had no intention of hurting you, your father nodded back. A silent acknowledgment of his trust in Xavier.


The four of you walked back to the university. His hand never leaving yours. You could see the edges of the forest in the distance when you heard your name whispered in the wind.

Squeezing Xavier's hand, he slowed his steps. You looked back and noticed your parents did the same. You weren't getting crazy. The whisper came again, and you saw the shadow of a presence amidst the trees.

"What's wrong?" He asked, placing a hand on your cheek. Worry all over his face.

"There's something I need to do." You leaned on his touch and placed a kiss on his palm. "Go ahead. I'll catch up with you."

"There is no way I will let you get out of my view."

You laughed. You understood his feelings because they reflected your own. You wanted to explain, but your mother was the one to reassure him.

"She is not alone, Xavier. We'll be by her side. This is something that needs to end here."

Xavier's eyes went wide. Realization sinking in. "It's him, isn't it? Where is he?" He stood in front of you, protecting you from the forest's darkness.

"I'll be fine. Trust me?" You turned him to face you.

There were mixed feelings in his eyes. Fear, worry, tiredness. "I do."

You kissed him and watched him walk out of the place into the light of the night sky.

As tranquility washed over you, you entered the dark, knowing full well only one of you would emerge victorious. And it would be you.

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