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It had been months since the last time you had seen Xavier. You changed your name, phone number, address and disappeared in the world. And although everything had changed, one constant remained. You couldn't take him out of your mind.

Your parents were always by your side, offering any kind of help they could give. But they also saw the toll it all was taking on you. The shining eyes you had despite the hardships life threw at you long gone. The energy and spirit you showed the whole world waning with every new dawn. They watched until one day, they decided no longer to just watch but act as well.

After hours and hours of training, you were able to control some of your powers. Still, the spell they had cast prevented you from tapping into your true potential. Thinking about it and trying to come up with excuses to stop thinking about Xavier, you felt the cold touch of your mother's hand.

"We could check on him for you."

"I don't think it would be wise. Let the past rest. He is safe, and that's what's important."

"Even if it's killing you inside?"

Too tired to answer her, you excused yourself and went to the toilet. Examining the reflection in the mirror, you caressed the dark circles under your eyes. Leaning against the windowsill, you watched the trees pass by you. Wishing time could go back and feel his lips on yours. The touch of his long fingers on your skin.

Shooing the tears away, you splashed some water on your face. The cold from the liquid managing to give you some energy. Looking up at the mirror, you saw a reflection that made your skin crawl.

Without turning or blinking, you asked the question plaguing your soul, "Is he okay?" The look his mother gave you all the information you needed.

You opened the door with way more force than you needed. Without looking at your parents, you took your backpack and asked the driver to stop the bus. He was about to deny your request, but he obeyed without a word once he saw the look you gave him.

After many rides and days on the road, you finally faced the university gates. You had no student id, no invitation, and no fucks to give. You marched inside and prayed no one would stop you because you feared for the soul of whoever did it.

The creators were on your side. You knew it because the first person you saw was Ajax. Giving the man no time for questions, you pushed him against the wall and asked where Xavier was.

"He was arrested. Jericho's police station."

"Thank you," you said, but Ajax barely heard your voice since you turned at the end of the hall.

Getting into the first car you could, you tried to start it. But in your haste to see Xavier, you forgot you didn't know how to drive. Moving to the passenger's seat, you gave way to your father. Now in a corporeal state, he turned the car on and drove off to Jericho.

It wasn't difficult to bypass all the police with the help of some ghosts. You went down a flight of stairs and found Xavier sitting alone in his cell. His head rested on his shoulder, and things didn't look too good. The chains around his limbs not helping you get some sense of control.

You approached with quiet steps. In your mind, a million ways the conversation could flow. None of them sounded good to you.

"I told you to leave, Wednesday."

The harsh tone in his voice made you close your eyes. Standing in front of the cell's door, you wished things could be different. You opened your mouth to ask him a question, but there were so many things you wanted to know, so you decided on the simplest of things.

"I'm sorry." At first, you thought he hadn't heard you. He had barely moved when you whispered your apology.

Then, out of nowhere, he laughed. His whole body shook, and he threw his head back. His eyes remained closed when he took his hair from his face. "Is this some cosmic joke?" he looked at you, and all you saw was sorrow in his eyes.

Swallowing dry, you stared at him. He was tired, vulnerable, and unbelievably gloomy. He nodded as if answering his own question.


"Just go. Leave me alone." He rested his head against the bars and stared at the ceiling.

You closed your eyes and summoned a ghost capable enough to open the cell's door. All that power usage was making you exhausted. You knew you were about to faint, but it didn't matter. You walked inside and stopped in front of him because he was all that mattered.

"Xavier. I am sorry I had to leave the way I did." He refused to acknowledge your presence. Kneeling, you rested your hands on his knees. "I know you don't believe me. I wouldn't." You almost tasted blood when you bit your lower lip. "Are you harmed? Did anyone hurt you?"

"You mean besides you?" His eyes. You never forgot their warm brown hue of them. He glanced at you when he answered, but you wish he hadn't done it. Too much resentment in them.

You sat across from him on his bed. You knew someone could come any minute. "Your mother called me here. There must be something I can do."

Xavier didn't speak. He lifted his hand and pointed to the door. A clear demand for you to leave.

"I will leave when you answer my question."

"I'll answer yours if you answer mine. Did you feel anything? Was there even a tiny bit of something you felt for me?" He got up. His whole body trembling.

"Will my answer make any difference?"

He closed his eyes and shook his head. "Answer the question."

"You are the only reason I keep going on." You stood as well. Placing yourself in front of him. "Remembering you is the only thing keeping me sane." Your hand reached for his cheek, but he avoided your touch. "Xavier, I am so, so sorry for the pain I caused you. You must believe I would have stayed if I could. Leaving was the only way back then. But I'm stronger now. I can..." You lost your words when you saw the scars on his neck. "What happened?"

You were all over him. When he shielded his neck from you, you pressed on, taking his hand away. When you touched his skin, electricity ran through both of your bodies. Taking a deep breath, you caressed the lines with your thumb and waited until he looked at you.

"It's nothing."

"It's definitely something. It's why your mother contacted me after so long." You rested your hands on his chest. Searching his face. "I can help you. Please let me help you."

He traced your arms up to your wrists. "You wanna help me? Leave."

You blinked. You cried. You didn't know you had been holding the tears back. Nodding, you walked out of the place and closed the door behind you. Before you went up the stairs and disappeared from his life again, you had to tell him something. Something you said to yourself every day.

"I love you, Xavier."

You didn't look over your shoulder, so you didn't see his eyes widen.

Nor heard his confession.

"I love you too."

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