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On the way back to university, Xavier made sure to be holding your hand. He would occasionally bring it to his lips and plant soft kisses there.

He walked you back to your dorm and waited until you found the key and opened the door. He thought it was odd you had so many keys but didn't ask about it.

There was an awkward atmosphere between the two of you for a brief moment. It wasn't because something bad had happened but because you were both unsure of how to proceed. Running his fingers through his hair, he watched as you did the same. He noticed how your eyes never met his.

Deciding he wanted to make sure you knew how he felt, he held your hand in his and laced your fingers. When you looked at him, he broke the silence. "I had a lot of fun tonight."

"I did too. Thank you."

"Would you like to go out again sometime?"

He saw your eyes fleeing his for an instant. "Would you like to?"

Xavier laughed. He didn't want to insult you, but the notion that he might not have you saddened him. He couldn't believe you still doubted his intentions in such a way. "I want to be with you every day." At the end of his words, he placed his hand on your face and leaned down to give you a quick kiss on the lips. His forehead rested on yours, and his soul demanded more, but he was afraid to scare you.

"Xavier, I..." You got silent, and he encouraged you to continue with a simple yes. "I want the same."

You kissed him, and he lost all his restraints, parting his lips to kiss you back. When you fanned your hands on his chest and tilted your head to welcome him, he snaked his arms around your body and brought you closer. Deepening the kiss and feeling your warmth all over him.

He bit your lower lip and soothed the sting with his tongue. One of his hands found your nape while the other kept you close by the small of your back. Goosebumps traveled through his body when your fingers trailed up his neck and closed around his hair. He guided you back until you were against the wall. Trapped between it and him. With nowhere to escape, he simply indulged in you.

He was lost in his desire, but he wanted more. Much more than just that. Did he want you panting and moaning his name? Definitely. Did he think that was the best place and time? No. With that in mind, he begrudgingly parted from you. You followed the ghost of his kiss, and he couldn't deny you, so he accepted it and kissed you again. He didn't want to go any further than it, so he rubbed your lips with his thumb and sighed on your mouth.

Your voice in the air brought him back to reality. "We should stop here." Your fingers caressing his head, not helping the case.

"We probably should." He chuckled breathlessly. "I'll see you tomorrow?"


He gave you a sweet smile and turned to leave, not before one last kiss on your forehead.

You closed the door behind you and locked everything, not forgetting to triple-check it. Getting into your pajamas, you threw yourself in your bed and were sure the night would bring only the best of dreams.

Turning on the bed, unable to sleep, you noticed the shadow of someone standing in the hall through the space under the door. Thinking it was Xavier, you called his name. Only to have the person silently walking away from your room. It was definitely odd, but you didn't want to think about the implications after the wonderful night you had.

A movement to your side caught your attention, and you turned the lamp on. The voice of a woman reached you from the shadows. A voice laced with warning.

"I'm Xavier's mother, and we need to talk."


Xavier had a spring in his step on his way to his room. Whenever your face came floating in his mind, his heart beat faster. He carded his hair with his fingers and allowed his thumb to caress his lower lip, remembering how delicious your kiss was.

Yeah. He was definitely in love with you.

Changing his clothes for the night, he headed to his bed, but the memories of you kept him awake, so he did the only thing he could. Going to his desk, he took the old sketchbook from the drawer and started with your smile. Your eyes were drawn on the corner right beside an outline of laced fingers. He went through the previous pages and admired your picture in them.

The sound of scrapping on his door took his attention from his reveries. Through the small gap under it, he noticed someone standing there. He turned on the chair to check who it was, but the presence was gone before he could move.

Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew it was the same person who was watching you back in the forest. Furrowing his brows, he checked and ensured his door was locked before going to sleep.


Sitting on the edge of your bed, you tried not to show how anxious you were about the situation. "How can I help you, Mrs. ....?"

"My name is not important. What matters is that you stay away from my boy." The voice was stern. But you sensed there was more worry in it than harshness.

"With all due respect, Mrs. May I know why you think so strongly about it?"

"He is a gentle soul." You tried to get a good look at her, but she remained in the shadows, refusing to let you see her. "I don't want him to get hurt. His father sure as hell does more than enough already."

"I promise you I have no intention of hurting him. In fact, I intend to do the opposite of that. If you allow me-"

"You have no idea what's to come, do you?"

Squirming a little. You thought about the implications of her words. "I do not. But if you tell me, I'm sure we can come up with a way to prevent whatever you are afraid of."

"For someone who talks to the dead, you are very oblivious to what is happening around you. Heed my words, mortal one." There was silence in the place until she whispered in your ear. "He is coming for you."

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