Chapter 6

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I look at Regina waiting for what she was going to say then she told me "I like you Y/N." I looked at her and began to tear up and said "I like you too Regina." She walked over to me and kissed me as I began to blush like crazy.Then she said to me "Are you blushing love." I reply with "Maybe." She walks out into the kitchen to get herself a drink and then says "Do you want anything love?" I reply "Yes please can I have a hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmellows." She replies and says "Of course love." 10 minutes she comes back into the living room and gives me my hot chocolate and I say " So what are we gonna do now that we have admited our feeling to eachother." She looks at me and then says "Y/N Y/L/N will you be my girlfriend?" I look at her then say "Of course I will Regina. I love you." She replies and says "I love you too my darling Y/N."

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