Chapter 2

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The length increases with each chapter <3

She barely slept the night, the majority of it was spent bundled up in blankets as her mind ran rampant. Eventually, even her agile mind couldn't withstand the effects of exhaustion.

The grating sound of the wind blower woke her. She yanked her phone off the charger beside her, to see that it was well past noon, for those few seconds she'd forgotten the events that had transpired the previous night. She quickly got up in search of her family, fearful that they might've left for the hospital to visit Ian without her. From her room, she went straight to Matteo's, the room in closest proximity to her own. She knocked gently and immediately opened the door without bothering with a response.

"You could've waited for a reply," he said irritatedly.

"At least I knocked, where's everyone?" she asked.

"Raf and Enzo are at the hospital," he said, barely paying her attention as he simultaneously juggled his phone in one hand and a bowl of cereal in the other.

"Why didn't anyone wake me ?" She asked exasperatedly. She leapt like a starfish onto his well-made bed in an attempt to elicit a reaction from him.

"We thought you'd appreciate a few hours of sleep, considering how exhausted you seemed," he yanked at her arm trying to get her up from his bed as he spoke, "Now that you're up and well rested, you can get out of my room and go visit him."

She left his room and got herself ready as fast as she could, while still maintaining decency, she was never leaving the house in pyjamas and fuzzy slippers ever again. Emergency or not. She made a quick stop at a convenience store to get him his favourite snacks, she wished she'd awoken earlier so she could've requested a proper meal be prepared.

She winded through the familiar passages of the hospital in search of Ian's room per the directions given by the nurse, as she thought back to their interaction, she tried not to let the hostility the woman had towards her, ruin her day. She spent over twenty minutes at the reception simply because the nurse didn't believe she was a Vazzoler, even though her ID explicitly stated so, majority of that time was spent explaining that she was adopted, although based on her family's reputation she understood why the woman wasn't willing to make any mistakes.

The sight of Rafael by a vending machine at the end of the hall pulled her out of her thoughts, a gentle smile graced her face, and her heart eased having not even noticed its tension, although she wouldn't openly admit it, there's no greater comfort to her than her family.

"It's card only dumbass." She scoffed at his puzzled face.

"How?! It's been swallowing my money for the past five minutes!" He groaned and banged again the glass of the machine, as frustration seemed to get the best of him.

"I don't know where your money went, but it's 'card only'." She reiterated as she pointed at the subtle sign on the machine.

She left him in the passage and gave the guard at the door a subtle nod in greeting to which he returned while avoiding eye contact, as she made her way into the bedroom. Ian laid peacefully in bed, neither the drip in his wrist nor the cast on his arm seemed to cause him any discomfort in his state of sleep. She quietly put the snacks down on the bedside table and stood beside the bed gazing at him, slightly envious of the complete and utter alleviation his slumber brought him.

"The meds they have him on are really strong."

She screeched, having not noticed Enzo in the armchair in the far corner of the room, manspread with an open book laying flat on his chest as he gave her his full attention. It took her a moment to process his words.

"It is truly inhumane to be that quiet," she said as she put her palm against her racing heart in an attempt to calm it.

His mouth lifted slightly, as though he was almost amused by her reaction, "He was awake this morning, but completely knocked out after taking his medication." Her eyes remained planted on his face as he spoke, the perpetual eye bags appeared darker. With his dark hair, pale skin and under-eye bags he resembled the undead, nonetheless he looked so lively as he spoke fondly of his brother.

What time did you get here?" She asked.

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