Chapter 4

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"And this is your room." She gestured towards one of their guest rooms, specifically, the one Ian and Enzo would stay in indefinitely.
    "Why can't I just sleep in your room?" Ian asked.
    "1. You brought so much shit I doubt it'd all fit in my room 2. I like my personal space 3. You're not imprisoned in this room, you can sleep in my room some nights" his face lit up at her final statement.

    "I said 'some'!" She reiterated playfully. They always slept in the same bed when they had sleepovers, both Zarina and Ian considered physical affection to be their primary love language, so sleeping beside each other was both familiar and comforting.

    "Do you need some help?" She asked Enzo, who held both his and Ian's belongings.
    "I'll manage." His eyes flickered to hers for only a second, before he averted his gaze and made his way into the bedroom. He still hadn't come to terms with the conclusion he'd made the other day. Enzo wasn't one for making mistakes or regrets, the thought that his previous decisions might turn out to be both perplexed him.

    She was was no stranger to his aloof behaviour, he'd behaved this way for most of his life, so she tried not to ponder too hard about it, despite the feelings she held for him. They'd all grown up together, the love she held for her family was equal to the one she held for theirs, it was only when he'd pushed her away had she realised she held unique affections for Enzo, feelings that she knew were impossible to act on, not only would that shift their family's dynamics, they were completely unrequited.
    "You've got to stop pining," Ian said with a smirk.

    "Keep talking and I'll break your other arm." She rolled her eyes.
    "I'm suffering from a severe injury and this is how you treat me?" Ian gasped dramatically.
    "Yeah yeah yeah, do you need any help unpacking?" She asked as she stared at the gross amount of stuff he brought, which made absolutely no sense; he spent the majority of his time at their house, so she could've sworn half his possessions were there anyways.
    "Nope! I'll tend to it later, for now, I'd like to know what the cooks are making that smells so good," he said as he hurried down the stairs.

    "Don't get too excited, we're not having dinner 'til Stef arrives, hence why they're putting their arms and legs into that meal." She followed him down.

    "Of course, in times of need papà is nowhere to be found," Matteo added as he made his way down the stairs alongside her.
    "We are in better hands," she said, referring to Stefano's impending arrival. Ever since their mother's death their father hadn't been the same, his departure during a critical time was telling enough, they'd all given up on the hope that he'd change back into the man he once was, taking responsibility as the father in their family seriously.
    "Well, this is a shitty way to start a new school year." Ian scoffed as we settled at the dining table as if it'd change her brother's time of arrival.
    Amidst all the chaos, she'd genuinely forgotten the imminent start of their final school year, specifically hers, Raf's and Enzo's. Ian was in the grade below them.
    "We'll fuck me." She groaned.
    "Now, since when did you use such foul language, Zee?" Stefano sauntered into the dining room in work attire, sanding his suitcase at the door, looking completely unimpressed with her use of language.
    "I..." her cheeks warmed as she stood there absolutely speechless, she gave no reply; genuinely embarrassed that her older brother had caught her cussing.
    "Sorry?" She said tentatively as she made a hesitant move to hug him. He reciprocated wholeheartedly, as though he'd already forgotten her previous discrepancies, even leaving her with a small tap on her head.
    "Welcome back Stefano." Ian beamed, both grateful for his safe arrival and the fact that they could finally eat.
    "Gather everyone at the table. I'm gonna go freshen up quickly, then I'll be right down." Stef asked her.
    They spent their dinner asking Stefano about his travels and work experiences during the past few weeks.
    "So that's it? Hotels and meetings?" Matteo asked. Stefano nodded.
    "You were in Singapore and that's all you did?" Ian asked, dumbfounded. Leave it to Stefano to make Singapore sound like a bore. He nodded once again, somewhat losing his patience at their insistent need for clarification.

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