Chapter 3

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Despite how calm his brother seemed, Enzo couldn't shake off the guilt he felt.

    His brother in danger brought back memories that he'd tried strongly to forget, the role he played in Ian's injuries frustrated him further. It was his job to protect him, and even though he had had nothing to drink he'd failed to account for his lack of sleep. Regardless of his capability to drive them home, had he been well rested, he would've noticed the car tailing them, and done what he could to bring them to safety. Vince tried to reassure him he was not to blame, but he still couldn't forgive himself.

    Ian ate his dinner with ease, unbothered by the events that occurred. Not only did their night end tragically, but the party itself was also an absolute bust. He found that trying to have sex sober was just as difficult as it was drunk.

    "How did you know you were gay?" He asked Ian quietly as soon as Zarina made her way to the bathroom.

    He choked on his food haphazardly, taken aback by his brother's question. Yet Enzo remained unfazed, holding no care for what his question may imply, he was simply curious and in need of an answer.

    "Is there someone that has sparked your interest?" He asked, attempting to maintain composure, his eyes had watered a little, as a consequence of food going down his windpipe. He was not one for dramatics, he actually choked.

    "Ian just answer the damn question." He grew impatient.

    "Okay okay, um... I guess you could say I always knew I liked boys before I even grasped the concept of romantic attraction. Because of heteronormativity, it took a while longer to realise I didn't like girls." He further added tentatively, "Is there a reason you ask?" They'd never really discussed Ian's sexuality in such a manner, the boy didn't even come out, he just one day brought up a boy he was dating and that was that, neither Vince nor Enzo made much of a fuss about it.

    Ian's explanation made complete sense, it just did not affect his existential crisis, "It's because of Gemma," this was putting it plainly, it's Gemma and the multiple girls before her.

    "Did she say, or do something?" He asked hesitantly, abandoning his meal and making me the sole focus of his attention.

    "We tried to have sex that night, but I just couldn't get it up," he said quietly. It was way more than that though, he'd tried on multiple occasions to have sex with girls he thought were pretty, and even though he could acknowledge their beauty he wasn't particularly attracted to them.

    "Maybe you just aren't attracted to Gemma specifically, or maybe the vibe was off? I mean this is the first time it's happened right?" He asked, when Enzo slowly shook his head, confusion morphed Ian's features, "Wait what?" He asked stunned.

    His face must've betrayed him and shown him offence, 'cause his brother quickly retracted his initial surprise, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that, there's nothing wrong with your lack of attraction towards woman, I was just under the pretence that you've slept with girls before," he said remorsefully.

    It's not like he hadn't tried. Gemma wasn't the first girl he tried to sleep with, or any sort of sexual intercourse for that matter, it just didn't work. There were very few times he even enjoyed the kissing prior. Ian's puzzlement made sense, all the girls that he'd failed to sleep with before still claimed that they'd been together, and he'd made no effort to dispel the rumours, he'd even garnered the reputation of being a bit of a player. Even his brothers believed him to be a playboy and just assumed he never spoke about it because he was a private person, which he was, just one that never had sex before.

    A lot of the girls just assumed they were the problem and in an attempt to salvage their confidence they'd lie, others lied simply 'cause they wanted to tell people they'd been with the Lorenzo Abruzzi. He wasn't even all that impressive, just a mystery and people have an obsession with uncovering him.

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