Chapter 1

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Hanna pov

I wake up to being jumped on by my younger siblings, "Jamie, Sophie, why are you jumping on me?" Jamie giggles and bounces on my stomach, "Hanna, it's Easter!" Sophie giggles and jumps on the bed next to me repeating, "Bunny, hop hop hop!" While holding a bunny stuffed animal I got her a few Easters ago. I sit up moving Jamie while I smile, "Ok Jamie, Sophie, I'm up get out so I can get changed. I'll be down after I'm done, then we can go to the egg hunt." They both smile and run out of the room. After they leave I get my clothes and go to my attached bathroom to take a shower. After I shower, I get out and change then I go downstairs to see my siblings sitting on the couch ready to leave for the egg hunt. I get my shoes and a hoodie on then look at the two on the couch, "What are you waiting for, let's go!" They both get off the couch and run out the door as I follow them locking the door behind me. We walk to the park as Jamie runs to his friends, I stay with Sophie. As we are walking around, I see someone run and hide behind a bush. I take Sophie and we walk over to Jamie and his friends. Jamie looks at me and sees a bit of worry in my eyes, "Hanna, is everything ok?" I nod as I sit with them while we wait for the egg hunt to begin. I watch as Jamie and his friends play and ran around. I hear rustling behind me and think nothing of it so I just keep my eyes on Jamie and his friends. At some point Sophie joined them, she jumps around acting like a bunny with everyone copying her. As I was sitting there, I stand up quickly as I see someone out of the corner of my eye pull a Revolver out. I notice he begins to aim it at Jamie and as he shot the Revolver I ran over as fast as I could to protect Jamie. As I reach him the bullet hits me in the stomach then I notice they are aiming it at Sophie. As I fall to my knees I take another bullet to save Sophie. The man ran off after I fell on the ground with Jamie and Sophie hugging me while crying. Jamie looks at one of his friends mom's and asks her for help. She calls an ambulance then calls our mom to let her know what happened.

At the hospital 

I was laying in the hospital bed paralyzed, when I hear my mom run in and gasp, "Hanna, are you ok?" I groan and keep my eyes shut. The doctor walks into the room and talks to my mom, "Mrs. Bennett, I'm sorry to say this, but your daughter doesn't have long to live. The first bullet hit her in the liver, while the second bullet hit her close to her heart." My mom gasps and starts to cry, "Mom, tell Jamie and Sophie I love them and I will miss them. Let them know I will watch over them." Mom holds my hand and frowns, "I will sweetie, you can rest now." I smile as a tear runs down both of our cheeks. I close my eyes I take my last breath, smiling in my sleep knowing I saved my siblings. 

A few hours later 

I wake up in a meadow full of Roses and Daisy's. I smile and look around and notice that it is night, as I'm looking around I hear a voice. "Hanna, my child." I look around to see where the voice came from but I see nothing, when I hear the voice again, "In the sky my child." I look up and look at the moon confused, "Yes my child, I'm the moon, but you can call me Manny." I smile, "So Manny what is this place and what am I doing here?" "You died saving your siblings so I brought you back as a Guardian. You are the Guardian of Nature and Wisdom. I have resurrected you as Mother Nature. As Mother Nature you can change into an animal, but I have to give you the animal form. So my child, what animal do you want to be?" I think for a bit and smile, "I would like to be a bunny, I love bunnies and the Easter bunny is my favorite Guardian." Manny chuckles, "Ok my child, you will be a female pooka just like the Easter bunny." I smile and nod, "Thank you Manny, I just have one question?" "What is it my child?" "Can I get the power to change my outfit with the flick of a wrist?" Manny seems like he's thinking of it, "Of course my child, now I'm going to send you back to Earth, when you wake up you will be in a meadow like this one." I nod and close my eyes when I open them again it was daytime. The meadow was beautiful so I decided I'm going to make a house in this meadow. I use my powers and focus on making a small Cabin in the meadow.

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