Diamond In The Rough

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What's the point of seeing all this pain if you're the lighthouse in other peoples games?
You ever stop to think about how we're playing a charade?
Just going through the motions of any given day.
What happened to passion?
What happened to pride?
Has all the substance just left our lives?
What are we chasing now?
What are we dreaming now?
Have we forgotten how to keep our heads in clouds.
Can't dream big if we keep staring down.

What kind of boundaries do we have in place to protect ourselves?
What kind of space do we create?
Because the more I see the more I concede, that there's more to life then what I once believed, but with every new treasure comes bitter reality.
Life is always shifting, evil exists in spades, and we need more good in the world, but how does one go around spreading good?
There's a difference between doing something because it's right, and doing something for you're own good.
More often then not we just choose ourselves.
Even if an action seems pure, you can never know anyone's true intentions.
Not to say that nobody is trustworthy but you gotta choose your company wisely

Even I make mistakes when it comes to whom I give my time,
It's easy to over give, not have good boundaries or say the right things
But the positive is you never forget the feeling and with that it's easier to identify things
So when you make your next move do it in style and with pride, take the high road and be the bigger man,
It would be so easy to succumb,
Just sink and feel nothing but numb
Feel like there's nothing to live for but pain.
Not the mindset for me, still believe in hope, and that things can change for the better if you focus on the correct things.
Not controlling; what went wrong; who's the vilan in the end?
Focus on what's going right, what your grateful each day, work towards some goals and create something you're proud of in the end.
Soon you'll notice how your life is changing and how you're different.
Yet even I have a piece of the past that I've refused to let go.
My comparisons thieving me of what could be joy. All because my hearts not as healed as I show.
Still trying to control, because I'm afraid to let go,
Oh so afraid to love, even if I love myself.

Unsure of what's my next play. Still getting footing in my escapades.
Taking it day by day, unsure of who's safe. Eye sight can't show me a person's shadow side, but I don't like to hide, between the script that plays out in front of our eyes, and others attempts to change the script, you could see why
I'd like to have a say when it comes to my life.
Took me to long to realize it, maybe I could spare you all some pain, get you to see the patterns in your everyday, because the script writer is getting sloppy, but I can't blame them, being arrogant is what happens just before you fall, and the people who run it all are set for a major fall.
Doesn't matter to me, I've fallen time and time again, just to get back up and try again.
Being stubborn is my gift in disguise like me, a diamond hiding in plain sight.

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