Even Family Can Be An Enemy

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Step aside, step aside, everybody telling me how to get by.
Internalize, internalize fit in or get ready to die.

Such a shame we made a world that's all inclusive but still judges.
Where if you think different then you must be defective, insufficient.

When a world only wants you to behave and listen, how could you not want to act out and start asking questions? 
I've been asking questions since I was young. Most people didn't have answers for some of them.
So you can imagine little old me could get discouraged when he was told to stop asking questions to big things when he was just trying to get a better understanding of things.

Now I can see why there was so much fuss the world we live in full of cracks and dust. Trying to hide those demons we've created as a society.
No better for it. Still struggling to see, just how damaging how some of the things we've created can be.

If the very things we created to help bring us together is the thing that's driving us all apart at what point is it dogma? And when do we choose to get off? Because even religions form new sects and differing beliefs it's always dogma that gets us into such terrible things.

Why the pain why the fuss, already enough of it why make more? Seems it's all were good for. Feels like it's fear instead of love that holds the world together.

I wish I could say everything was normal that everything is alright but it's just not the case. Tired of pretending it's that way. All we see when we turn on the new the fear is everywhere. They program us more everyday. Getting harder to stay awake.
Feels like I'm sabatoging my own new begging by being on edge. Have to fend of family and old friends. What's left for me when I can't trust anybody but myself.
How will I know who to let in?
Who should I trust?
Often left with more questions than answers, and I'm running out of ideas.
But I ain't a quitter just a hopeless dreamer trying to inspire some non believers.
God sure likes to test ones in the shit by giving us more and seeing what we do with it.
I think this time I'll let it all burn down.
Too tired anymore to make things work.
Tired of having to be strong when I feel weak.

Breaking Cycles and Rising Through the Cracks जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें