part 41

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They stopped at the medical store first for obvious reason.
Then headed straight towards his house.

In the chilly winters.... Their was heat wave flowing between them.

"Any second thoughts"?
He teased her..

"Are you talking about yourself"
She played back

She was happy she was excited
Finally they will be taking a step further in this relationship...
He opened the car door for her and then once inside he helped her with bag and coat..
Being the perfect gentleman

"Care for some wine"
He asked.....

A classic start she thought....and smiled

It started with innocent kisses between the wine....
They sat holding hands

"I want you to know that you are most amazing thing that happened to me "
He said genuinely...

"I use to think that I will never be happy again
You changed that"
She said with equal passion.

"I still can't believe that I can be hopelessly romantic with you... That I can love and tell"
He kissed her hand

"Thanks for being so patient with me....
With all my complications and salad of emotions"

"Can I kiss you"
He asked for a final concent

"You can do more than that...."
She replied graciously

He gave a million dollar smile as he bend down to kiss her
She pulled him close ....

.... His hand slipping inside her skirt and another one ran all over her back....

He was slow and subtle
Not at all rushing or showing any urgency

He was calm and soft ...
Buliding up the desire slow and steady

They got apart for a while to look at eachothers
As he opened the first three button of her shirt
And she did the same to him

He kissed her contour smoothly
As she moaned softly

He undid the rest of the button having an eye lock with her
And she helped him to remove the shirt down
He took a good look at her .. learning a thing or two about her
While she was trying to take his shirt down.

He picked her up to go to bed .....
Making her lay down gently....
And she saw him going down on her as he opened her legs to make space for him...
Taking the skirt down....

He was indeed good as he made her toes curl.


She was deep asleep after all the hard work he made her do last night....
He made her cry with pleasure.....
Leaving her all exhausted and drained out
Himself feeling weak on knees....

She got up to see him sleeping peacefully
She blushed and kissed his cheek.....
Remembering some specific parts of last night
Which made her flush in shame.

She had no idea that they can be so hard and wild on bed
Both matching the passion equally....

She went straight to the kitchen to make some tea....
When in a minute or two he came with sleepy eyes and hugged her from back resting his head on her shoulder

She got sucked up in his warm embrace
She was wearing his shirt
Just his shirt....

"Why did you left the bed
I am not done with you yet...."
He whispered as he kissed his neck...
Giving her hints of his intention.....

She smiled as she got turned on too with his advances.

And in few minutes
She was bending on the platform holding the edges tight
As he thrust her standing behind her

Making her weep in orgasm.....
As she screamed so hard.....

Turning her to him
He made her sit on platform.... As he took her one more time...
She gave her best shots too...
As he groan with final strokes....

The sexual energy finally getting slow down so that they can think of anything else.


They are cuddled up in bed to sleep some more , sleep deprived due to last night.

He is stroking her hairs with love....
Kissing her forehead.....

"Naina i am famished "

"I wonder why"?
She gave a thinking expression pretending to be curious

He chuckled and kissed her face

"I am gonna order something
What do you wana eat"
He asked as he picked up his phone

"One large cheese burger
Fries ....
And some smoothie"

She said in one stretch....

Making him look at her ....with comic eyes.
He knows she is not just ordering
She will eat it... Every last bite...

"That explains all the stamina"
He made a comment....

"You are talking about my stamina
You almost choked my breath last night....
You can really do it...."

She said lifting herself up on one elbow..

"Someone wanted rough and bad remember"?
He raised his eyebrows....

And she blushed with a smile....

She dipped herself again inside the blanket close to him.


The end

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