KatAang: Airborne. (Two shot)Part 1

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The Main Gang Are currently Parting ways to do their own things after a good hang out session. It has been a year since The Fire nation has stopped attacking and there is now peace between everyone. Now its just Sokka,Katara,Aang, Appa And Momo. "So what do you guys want to do now?" Katara Asked as she was bored. "How about you and Aang go on a Date or something, I have plans with Zuko pretty soon." (I ship Zuko and Sokka so they are together in this) "I can take of Momo and Appa with Zuko." Katara and Aang Became beet red When the word "Date" came out of Sokka's mouth.  Then When Aang calmed down he got an idea. "Hey Sokka,how about we keep Appa here And You and Zuko can take care of Momo." "Have fun on your Date with Zuko!" Aang winked as he said that. Sokka Quickly replied,flushed for a moment "Yeah, I sure will!" "You guys stay safe!" Katara said " No need to Worry Sokka! Im a strong woman!" "Plus Me and Aang can handle ourselfs fine!" Sokka Stiffled chuckle as Sokka,Katara and Aang  hugged it out. Then Sokka Gently  Grabbed Momo from Aang's Shoulder Placing Momo on his shoulder. Sokka Waved bye with a smile as his footsteps slowly dissipated in the distance.

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