Our brother.

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(Before I start:

Lynn Jr will have a crush on Clyde in this Story, Like Lola with wanting therapy, it'll be a slow realization.

Lola blames Lincoln for the incident.)

"Doctor?" Rita begins. "How's my baby boy?"

"Well... He has a bit of a fever, He will have an increased appetite or thirst, probably both. There's also a chance blood will come out when he sneezes or his nausea. Also, Lincoln will be in a wheelchair for half a year, 2 to 3 months if we're lucky! Do you wish to see him?" Doctor Samantha asked.

"Yes!"  Lynn Sr replied. The girls all walked into the hospital room seeing a happy but injured Lincoln.

"Girls, Lisa, I'm so glad you're ok!" He grinned.

"Listen dude, Lola busted up your spine pretty bad." Luna begins. "We were worried sick about you bruh. Mom, when can we take Lincoln home?"

"Well..." Rita begins.

"Now you can take him home!" Doctor Samantha begins as she brings in a wheelchair. "Now here's a tip. Lincoln must avoid, ALL stress to his back! Anything too heavy hits his back, and he will take longer to heal." So, with that, the loud sisters surrounded the white haired boy and guided him out and placed him in Vanzilla, Lola didn't even bother to help.


"My fault? How?!" He replied. "For not letting you beat Lisa?!"

"Exactly!" She replied, earning a small pinch from Luan, making her whine in pain. She turned to her older sister.

"Hey, here's a good idea!" She begins. "Since Lola was the one who crippled Lincoln, she has to do HIS chores until he recovers!" The other sisters nod in agreement at the punishment the practical joker thought up for her sister.

"Yeah dudette!" Luna nods. "She has to take out the trash, walk Charles, clean Walt's Birdcage, rake up the leaves, and pick up after the pets!"

"Otherwise, she has to wear the squirrel suit and sleep outside, because she's bad luck!" Lynn Jr grinned. A loud sneeze came from Lincoln.

"ACHOO!" He yelled. "*Sniff* Sorry."

"Tissue?" Leni asked.

"Yes please." The boy nods as he wiped his nose.


"He's going to do that, It might be a week before the bleeding stops and he needs to be cared for." Lynn Sr replied.

(Lola's POV)

Stupid. Stupid Hospital, Stupid Sisters, Stupid Lincoln! I can't believe he got away with doing his blood sneeze on my dress!

"I feel extra hungry for some reason." Lincoln replied. "You guys got any snacks to satiate my hunger?"

"No need!" Mommy laughed. "We're home! Everyone help Lincoln, I'll get the wheelchair..." The others get off of Vanzilla and open the doors, Lori was leading the others in aiding Lincoln.

"Leni, and Luna, Both of you help Lincoln and mom with the wheelchair, Luan, Lynn, Lucy and Lana, you open the door, make sure no harm comes to Lincoln. Lisa, I think he just needs to know that you're safe, you'll do fine." They all agree with Lori's command as Lana looks at me.

"Lola, quit being heartless and help us!" She replied.

"No use bro." Luna says. "The spoiled brat will just cripple Lincoln again." I groan at the hideous name Luna gave me, Mom then put the wheelchair on the ground as Leni and Luna guided him towards the chair, He wasn't heavy, as much as I knew.

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