Lola's therapy Part 2:Family Visit

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(Lincoln's POV)

As I woke up and went to the bathroom. Luna and Leni were there waiting for me... *sigh* They were gonna baby me again... I just wondered how'd they do it this time.

"Heya bro, want me to brush your teeth for ya?" Luna asked.

"Oh, I'll go get the water!" Leni begins as she runs out of the bathroom and down the stairs. I groaned and pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Luna, I'm not made of glass." I replied. "I can brush my own teeth and rinse my own mouth." She looks at me with puppy dog eyes as my other sister does them as well. They really know how to get to me.

"Pleaaaaaaase Linky?" Leni whispered. "If my only brother doesn't want to have his teeth cleaned by his sweet older sisters, then I guess we failed.."

"Please bro..." Luna says. She placed her arms around and hugged me, gently scratching all of the sweet spots on my head. "We just don't wanna take our chances at you getting hurt."

"I can brush my teeth by myself." I replied.

"Too late, Linky!" A toothbrush enters my mouth as Leni begins brushing my teeth, and I spit out the toothpaste into the sink and Luna puts the water in my mouth, as I rinse it out and push my wheelchair out of the bathroom.  I was of course rolled down the stairs as my sisters pushed me into my spot on the table, serving me food and I looked over at my sisters. 

"Eat up, Linky!" Lori says. "All of us are literally going to Lola's therapy appointment today!"

"Huh, wait, Lynn... Don't you have a date with Clyde today?" I wonder.

"Had." Lynn replied. "I texted him, we're going to have some basketball practice when he comes back, I guess. Since he's visiting his aunts!" 

"Huh." I begin. "Okie dokie then." Lola was excited for her therapy session, as we all ate our breakfast and piled into Vanzilla. Lori and Lucy along with the twins helped me into the van, with them going to their seats.

"We're ready." Lucy begins as Vanzilla turns on and drives off with us inside. We all cheer for Lola to make sure she's going to have a good time with her therapist. When we parked at the nearby therapist center. With Mom and Dad parking the van and letting us out of Vanzilla, with Lori and Luna helping me out. Leni grabbed my wheelchair as they all placed me inside and we rolled towards the therapy center. Everyone was amazed at how big my family was and how many siblings Lola had.

(Timeskip, 30 minutes later, Lola's POV)

"Lola Loud we're here to see you and your family now." Mr Jones says as he looks at all my sisters and Lincoln.

"Oh Hi Mr Jones. These are all my sisters, My brother Lincoln and Lana." I begin. "Yes I have 10 other siblings."

"Someone empty the conference room! I have a gigantic Family on my hands!" He shouts as we all follow him.

"Um, Guys?" Lincoln begins. "Can someone please open the door for me?" 

"Literally on it." Lori replied as she opened the door, Lincoln entering the room. He closed the door behind him. He inched closer as I looked at him.

"Linky..." I begin. "L-Linky... I'm sorry for hurting you, I'm sorry for injuring you with a golf club... All because you wouldn't take me to some stupid park! You girls were right to not trust me around him!"

"Lola, we forgive you." Luan begins. "You're making an attempt to better yourself. That's who we're going to let near Linc!" I smiled. Perhaps I was worthy of being forgiven by my sisters and Lincoln. Lily walked towards me with a drawing in her hands.

"Wola... Hewe." She says as she hands me a drawing on paper. The Picture?

It was a small drawing of me and my family as stick figures, smiling as they formed a circle around Lincoln, a stick figure in a motorcycle chair with sunglasses on his face.

"Heh." I begin. "He'll love it."

The rest of the therapy visit went well. I got to use more things to stop myself from getting really mad at someone.

Somehow,  I feel as if I could control my temper a little more...

(End of chapter 6!)

Lola will get 3 more chapters of therapy.


Lily can draw really well despite her age <---- My HC

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