Therapy, Final part.

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(The final part in the Lola's therapy Saga. This is pretty much my first fanfic on this website ever, and I'm bashing myself more than a person participating in Console wars.

Anywho, back to the fic)

(Lola's POV)

Today was the final day, One last therapy session before I'd be done. I had decided to make everyone breakfast, as they all woke up, still groggy and sleepy, but they were walking down the steps.

"Morning Lola..." Linky said sleepily. "Whoa, what's this?"

"Only the best of the best pancakes for the best family!" I grinned. "I even wrote some messages in Syrup!" They all rushed downstairs and sat in their assigned seats. Calling what I made them pancakes would be an overstatement, since they were still pancakes, but shaped like my siblings.

"These are literally delicious!" Lori grinned. "How'd you make em?"

"I just used the simple batter and read the tutorials on Youtube." I grinned. "Go ahead, eat up!"

"Sorry I destroyed your dresses and tiara's dudette." Luna says between eating the pancakes and drinking her milk. "It's just, You know.."

"You can be overprotective of Lincoln?" I replied. "Yeah,  I guess we both got the message." So after they scarfed down the pancakes and all thanked me for the breakfast. We all hugged and I ate my breakfast and got ready not long after.

"Are you excited Lola?" Luan asked. "Seems like today's the last day to MANage your anger, get it?" We all groaned at her joke as we got ready to my last therapy session.

"Come on, Lola, let's go!" Mommy says as we all run out of the house. We each wait for Lincoln and help him into Vanzilla, Daddy and Lori finally get inside and we head to the therapy center, it was Kind of Bittersweet since I had gotten used to going, probably because of the legos and Mr Jones was actually helping me control my temper.

"Lola, How're you feeling that this is your last day?" Lana asked.

"Kinda bittersweet, actually. I'm used to always going and this is like a sucker punch to the stomach, you know?" I replied.

"I get it." Lucy nods. "But, you need to know, if you lash out at Big Brother again, Mom and Dad won't take you to such an easy therapy, next time."

"I know.." I sighed.

"Don't worry Lola!" Leni comforts. "You're, like, totes going to do super well!" After offering me some encouraging words, Mom and Dad stop Vanzilla in front of the therapy center as we all head out towards the special conference room. The final day was going to involve my family.. all of them.

"Lola." Mr Jones begins. "Today is your last day, and we're going to review what you learned throughout your visits. Your family will be here to witness it!"

"No problem, I will ace this test!" I say in a positive tone. "For everything Pink and my family!" We head into the conference room and I sit down in the front seat.

"For this last assignment." My therapist begins. "We're going to go over everything your family has to say, Before and After Therapy! If the good comments outweigh the bad ones, you pass.. However, on the Contrary, you get a worse therapist than I am for another few weeks. Ready?"

"I'm ready!" I begin.

"Ms Lori, you may go first." He says.

"Fine." Lori begins. "Before this whole Therapy session, Lola was super unbearable, she only cared about her pageants, and threatened to use violence to get her way! But now? She's almost quieter and less violent. almost taking us into consideration, she's improved!"

"Lola is totes a different girl!" Leni grinned. "She even helped me find the perfect things for my outfit, a better girl than she was before the whole incident."

"Look, Lola, I'm sorry for burning your dresses and Tiaras, and I wanna make it up to you." Luna sighed. She went outside to Vanzilla and came back with a box and set it in front of me. "Go ahead, open it." I comply as in the boxes were all my previously burned pink dresses and Tiaras that seemed to have been there as recently bought, or recently made.

"My tiaras and dresses are..." I begin. "Thanks Luna!" She sat back down as Luan kept saying jokes about how I was a better person than before the incident. Lynn admired how I was better to be around, which kind of stung a little to be honest.

"Lola." Lincoln begins. "I just wanna say, that you've done well. I'm happy that you've finally gotten therapy. I feel like, I can trust you again!" I smile as the rest of the siblings begin to comment on things about me, I couldn't hear what they said since I might've been on Cloud 9 because Lincoln says he can trust me again.. 

"Lola?" A voice asked. It was Lana.

"Hmm? Oh, what happened?" I wondered.

"You passed!" Mr Jones grinned. "I can say that your anger is now managed, Good Luck, Lola Loud." We shake hands as we all head out, Typical, the last session would always be shorter than the rest,  But, I wondered to myself...

If I had continued assulting Lincoln, and not regretted it?

Where would I be now?

Oh right... I'd be beyond grounded right now, and my very presence would scare Linky...

Poor Linky.. <----This is a meme.  Copy and Paste it to your browser search bar.

(I can hear your browser history, Reader. It comes with being Mentally Different, Impulsive, and a lonely person.)

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