Lincoln's Comic.

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(Here's the basic rundown.  Lori and the others vote to change the Sister fight Protocol to include Lincoln fighting with Lola. Vice Versa works too.)

(Lori's POV, in the Loud Hallway)

I looked into the bathroom and saw my sisters brushing their teeth and finally rinsing, it was getting close to bedtime. Lola was already asleep, which was great for us, since Lincoln needed safety when he slept.

"Loud sibling meeting in my room, Be there once you're done brushing your teeth." I begin as I walk towards the room I shared with Leni. I opened the door and walked inside, One by the other, my siblings came into my room and I set up the podium.

"We're here!" Leni begins. "Well, except for Lincoln. He's having some extra nausea and Luna's staying behind to help him."

"ACK! How long before Lisa's cure kicks in?!"

"Just a few more minutes, dude! Let me know when you're done."

I nod as Lisa places a blackboard behind me, detailed with two different plans side by side. One was the Sister Fight Protocol, and another one was for when Lola decides to hurt Lincoln. I sighed and turned towards the other sisters.

"Alright, we're here to discuss the new Protocol... Or at least change the Sister Fight Protocol. So as you girls can see, Lisa has at least developed a new concept for the plan..." I let Lisa up to the stand.

(Lisa's POV)

"Thank you, Eldest sibling." I begin. "Someone informed Luna and Lincoln about this new plan... Anyways, I'm calling it the Sibling Protocol. This protocol has a special plan for whenever Lola is in her 'Hurt Lincoln' mood. This new plan states that someone must be with Lincoln at all times whenever Lola approaches him."

"But dude." Luna begins as she enters with Lincoln. "What about the chance that she'd enter his room to hurt him?!"

"Well..." I begin. "Each time that happens, we all get a week with Lincoln. He sleeps in this room on Mondays, Luna and Luan get him Tuesdays, Wednesdays are Lynn and Lucy, Thursdays are Mine and Lily's and Fridays are Lana's. Saturdays and Sundays are his solo days. If he sleeps in your room, provide a blow up mattress. for him to sleep on. In case he needs to use it."

"Alright, what day is it, today?" Lincoln asked as I looked at my phone and then back at him.

"Today is Monday." I replied. "I'm sure Lola's not supposed to be around you."

"WHY NOT?!" Lola yelled angrily. "I'm such a nice sister to Linky!"

"Lola, you broke his skin with those stupid munchers you call teeth!" Leni groaned. "So, unless you plan to apologize, you can't and won't be alone with Lincoln in the same room!"

"I'm sorry! Ok?" She panicked. "Now, please let me be near Linky." We all declined her request as we settled into bed, None of us wanted to leave Lincoln alone with Lola, so we all decided to have a giant sleep over in Lori and Leni's room as we all got into our beds, and said our goodnights.

(Luna's Dream, Her POV)

Lincoln? Where was Lincoln? I ran out of the room and down the stairs, my family could also be seen following me.

The backyard! Lynn called him bad luck!

I rushed into the backyard and saw a crying Lincoln in the yard, I gently scooped him up.

"Oh, thank goodness he's ok!" Dad says as they try to reach him, I wrap my arms around him as he starts to cry into my arms.

"Don't let them hurt me, Luna!" He begins. "Don't you love me anymore, Luna? Are you so evil as to let me freeze out here?"

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