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After the attack with the sky people my father and mother had decided on a hard decision for all of us, especially mother, that we had to leave our birthed home and fly across sea to the sea clans to ask for a place to stay

As we headed to the edge of the forest the ocean rocks pointing ever so slightly out of the water the long journey embraced us as we looked on at the on going sea the light shinning down on it making it look beautiful and clear clearer than a drop of rain from the freshest cloud to lead

As mother helped Tuk onto her Ikran I hopped on mine as well as my father and other two siblings

I connected with the Ikran hopping onto the back of it, it flaying it's wings out in a rour that exposed all it's fangs and maulers

I awaited for the signal to fly and when I saw it we were to start the journey to our perhaps new home.

Our journey had not been easy the sea roared as it rained our Ikrans fighting against the wind and harsh wind and waves dodging and swooping through large sharp rocks

They raored with no fear throughout the harsh night and kept us going

When the storm had stopped we were calm and tired until Tuk decided it was time to start the nagging

" Are we there yet? " Tuk said rubbing a single eye and Looking at mother

She kept at it until she finally gave up and kept quiet

I was exhausted I almost fell off my Ikran because of how exhausted I was and Lo'ak and kiri laughed at me as I held a frightened expression on my face from almost falling off into the water

" Oh shut up " I said rolling my eyes and looking ahead only to be greeted with just water

I groaned silently ' this is going to take forever.. '

= Hours later

I had rested my eyes for the time being until I shot them open when I heard Tuk say something that intrigued me " is that it? " She had said pointing at the village just ahead, my eyes widened at the new view and I took a look at the people to just before they dived into the water onto some creature

My heart beated with anxioussnes and interest. It's so beautiful..

I heard a loud and low hum
Guessing it's the horn, my father had turned to look at us and for a second he nodded and looked back ahead heading to the small patch of sand in front of the village

We landed our Ikrans standing tall behind us before they flew off I turned quickly and told my Ikran something before letting it leave form sight mother's stayed though

As we landed on land once again I smiled slightly feeling the sand underneath me and how new it felt I brathed in hard and exhaled softly it was all so new

I raised my head and looked as we approached my Father raised his hands up in no threat manner as I looked we are being surrounded by the Sea people my Mother calling Tuk over and whispering      " be nice "  as she held Tuks hand

I looked around nervously the Navi looking at us quitley with their spears Kiri covering herself cautiously

As I looked back us a Boy maybe my age approach us a shorter boy behind him he stared at me his eyes staring into mine I started back his eyes were practically calling me they were not like any I had ever seen they were...Alluring..

I felt myself turn a slight dark blue as I quickly motioned my hand to my head down mouthing the words ' I see you ' my brother did the same as I was after him

The sea Navi boy didn't return a jesture instead he scoffed and liked me up and down slowly before grinning

My heart beated faster as he walked around us slowly the other boy at his side
" Look, is that supposed to be a tail? " He said looking down at mine as he laughed

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