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Neteyams pov.

I rushed to Aonung tears making their way from my eyes " Aonung! " I yelled

When I made it to him he swam weakly barely keeping his eyes open, " hurts " he said in a hush

I made him lean into me all his weight on me as I called over an Ilu Lo'ak and spider swimming over " is he okay? " Spider asked

I shook my head not wanting to answer
Pulling Aonung onto the Ilu grunting in the process when he struggled to lay on it

I looked around dark smoke everywhere and fire was starting to grow in the ship

" Hang on " I said referring to the side of the Ilu as Spider and Lo'ak nodded holding on.

I made a sound, the Ilu starting to swim, I couldn't think I couldn't..I can't lose him.

We arrived at a rock " Neteyam! " I turned and saw my father approaching us with a worried expression on his face " Father! It's Aonung! He's been hit " I said desperately trying to pull Aonung onto the rock.

He quickly rushed over helping me as we laid him onto the rock Aonung coughing and gulping in air.

I rushed to his side cupping his face as my tears fell on his face and chest " My Aonung.. " I said In a whisper Aonung looking back at me weakly

Smiling slightly before lifting his hand to my face cupping it and rubbing his thumb across it.

Father ran to his other side " Neteyam keep pressure on the wound, hey buddy I'll try and keep you safe " Father said looking to Aonung who groaned in pain and gave a small smile which quickly dropped

I quickly went to put pressure on it Aonung grunting in pain " I know I know I'm sorry I'm so sorry " I said crying.

I stared at Aonung keeping as much pressure on it as I could I then looked up to see my mother who jumped off her Ikran

" What has happened? " She said to Dad who looked around us " Neteyam where are your sisters "

He said in a panic and when I looked around they weren't here i sucked in a breath and looked to the ship " they're on the ship.. "

Mom and dad looked to each other and stood up " were going to go find your sisters, find Ronal or Tonowari"

He said looking to Lo'ak and spider who nodded and dived back in the water

" I'm sorry Aonung stay strong we'll try and come back as fast as we can " he said before diving into the water on his Tsurak, mom looking to me " I'll kill him for this " she said in a whisper nodding to me before jumping on her Ikran.

I let go of a cry and looked to Aonung who still stared back at me barley breathing

" Aonung please stay with me and don't close your eyes " I said putting as much pressure on the wound and trying not to put a lot at the same time trying not to hurt him

Aonung smiled at me his eyes filled with tears " I'm scared Neteyam" he said his smile immediately falling into a frown.

My breathing shook as I cried more " I am too Aonung I'm sorry I'm sorry" I said over and over

" Neteyam! " I looked up and saw Lo'ak and Spider on an Ilu Ronal behind them " what has happened?! " She said immediately jumping to me and Aonung, looking down at him

" Come come! " She said lifting Aonung immediately and gingerly up onto the Ilu Lo'ak and spider were on.

They both got off Aonung laying on it as I sat in the front holding him on

" Spider Lo'ak stay here Incase ma and dad needs you I'll be back" I said connecting with the Ilu Ronal on her Tsurak looking at Aonung for a second before leading the way.

We had won. Dad and mom destroyed the ship and stopped the sky people everyone had returned and we're happy and cheered in victory, Tonowari decided we were finally sea people.

But Aonung sat in a hut laying on a mat I sat next to him crying while I held his hand

It had been awhile since he'd gone unconscious but I never left his side not once.

" Neteyam" I turned my head to the entrance and Tysireya walked in looking to Aonung and looking away crouching by me

" Please you need to eat " she said her hand on my shoulder " or get out of here I promise you Aonung has a chance and will be okay, but for now we can just hope "

She said looking to Aonung and putting her hand on his chest smiling sadly " please"

She said looking to me, I thought for a second and slowly nodded " okay "

I stood up and slowly let go of Aonungs hand looking to her " can we go for a swim? " I asked my muscles sore by now but I missed the water and swimming in it, it ressured me.

She nodded and smiled leading the way "of course" she said jumping on the sand "Neteyam! " Tuk ran up to me hugging my leg " you done hiding? " She asked smiling

" Yes don't worry " I said looking to the water and calling for my Ilu it swimming immediately to me " hello "

I said petting her as she chirped happily "she's missed you " Tysireya said already on hers.

I smiled and looked to her sitting on her back and petting her more " I have too " I said looking to Tysireya who smiled and dived under the water.

I stayed for a moment and sucked in a breath diving in after her.

My Ilu chirped happily when we swam through the reef and I honestly felt a bit better the water calming me instantly.

When we had finished I felt refreshed, getting off my Ilu I was alone now Tysireya had went to talk to Lo'ak

Guess they're a thing now, I walked out the water looking to the People that sat on the bridges and in the huts.

I smiled and sat on the sand laying back and closing my eyes feeling the warmth of the light on my body as I relaxed into the sand more.

I stayed like this for awhile before I heard and felt movement in the sand next to me
" What is it Tuk " I said expecting her to be all over me now that I came out of that place

And now wants to play and play which I didn't mind but didn't really want to right now " I am not Tuk " I heard and I quickly started up my eyes widening

" Really Neteyam, your guess could've been better" Aonung said smiling at me as he held his side where the bandages were on his chest.

" AONUNG?! " I faced him and immediately hugged him " h-hey! Careful" Aonung said grunting in pain

I immediately pull away apologizing " your awake?! " I said holding his face in my hands as I examined his face " are you real or my imagination? "

I said looking at Aonung up and down and he looked back at me frowning "imagination? Really love? " He said narrowing his eyes

I bit my lip " hm maybe you are " I said as Aonung pushed me away I laughed and looked to him " how is your wound? I didn't hurt or reopen it did I? Oh God I'm sorry I should've been carful- " Aonung out his hand on my mouth

" I'm okay Neteyam" he said grinning
I nodded and looked at him " why did you do that? " I said holding his face in my hand

" You could've died " I said frowning "I know that " he said holding my hand that's on his face " but I'd rather die then you die instead" he said

" Never do that again please your scare the shit out of me! " I said small tears forming in my eyes.

Aonung wiped them away and kissed me pulling away when we needed air " I'm sorry that I scared you " he said rubbing his thumb along my cheek as he stared into my eyes

" You weren't hurt right? " He said looking me up and down " no I wasn't do not worry " I said smiling as I leaned into him.

" I see you Aonung" I said looking up at him a he smiled back " I see you Neteyam" he said back.


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