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We had been walking Vertello around for about half an hour before I decided to tack up. We brought him to the crossties and clipped him up, "Can you grab my pad?" I asked, "I'm going to be completely honest, I have no idea what any Vaulting stuff is so.." He trailed off, "All good, follow me if you want." I said, he nodded and walked after me.

I walked into the tackroom and motioned for Clay to walk in, "Can you grab this?" I asked, pointing to the vaulting surcingle. He lifted it up and winced, "Jesus! Why is this so heavy?" He asked, "Well, they aren't usually this heavy but because Vertello is quite tall and wide, mostly from the Perchron in him so it's just a bigger surcingle." I replied. He nodded and I grabbed my pad, foam, sliding reins, and his boots.

I walked back out of the tackroom to see Clay struggling to hold the surcingle, "Put it over your shoulder." I pointed out, he did so and sighed in relief. I smiled and put my sliding reins and boots on the chair behind me. I swung the pad over Vertello's back and moved it into place, I put the foam over the pad and walked around to the other side to see if t was even.

"Ok, give me the Surcingle, I'll put it over him but I need you to go on the other side and catch it, okay?" I said, he nodded and handed me the surcingle. I made sure to wait until he ad hid arms up, ready to receive the surcingle.

I push it over and he catches it, I lift it up slightly and push the foam into the top. "Okay, et me get my sliding reins." I said. I waked over to the chair and grabbed them; walking back to Vertello. I grabbed the girth from under him and slip the sliding reins into the middle, putting the other ends of them over his neck. "Hold the grip." I say, starting to do up his girth.

After I'm done I sigh, "Okay, now all I need is boots and what else.?" I wonder, feeling like I'm missing something, "Shit! Can you grab my bridle? It should be in my locker." I say, "On it." He replied, running into the tack room.

Whilst hes looking for my bridle I put on his front boots. I stand back up and pat my horse, "Good boy." I say, Clay comes out of the room with my bridle and hands it to me. I smile and walk to the front of Vertello. I unhook the clip on his halter and put it around his neck, I slowly bring the bridle but to his mouth and he opens it for me. I put in the bit and pull the rest of his bridle over his ears.

I moved the bridle around until it fit perfectly, I did up the noseband then the throat latch. "Grab me the lunge line would you?" I said, he nodded and walked over to the hook it was hanging on, I slowly rubbed Vertello's neck, waiting for Clay to get back.

He ran over to me and handed me the lunge line, "Thank you, for all this." I said, "Yeah of course, we're friends now, right?" He asked, I smiled and nodded, "Yes, yes we are." I said. He returned the smile and I looked back to my horse, I hooked the clip to the left side of his bit and took the halter off from around his neck. 

I took off one of the crossties from the halter and hung it up. I started walking and Vertello followed me, as did Clay. We walked into the cover arena, it just hit 6:30 so Alice should be here soon. "Can you hold him for a second?" I asked, well, sort of stated, as I put the lunge line in his hands. "I- okay?" He said, grabbing hold of the line.

I ran over to the arena storage and got out my custom barrel I had put there when I first got here. I started dragging it out of the storage, trying my best not to ruin the footing. Just as I was about to walk back I heard a voice, "Hey George!" It called out, I turned around and saw Alice, I jogged over to her and gave her a hug. "Hi! How do you like the new barn?" I asked, "It's lovely, whos this?" She asked, pointing to Clay.

"That's Clay, hes my friend." I clarified. "Cool cool, mind if I take Vertello and start to warm him up? Clay could spot you whilst I lunge." She said, "Of course." I replied, I looked over at Clay and he was already handing Alice my horse.

"Alright, follow me." I said, walking back over to the barrel. "Here, grab my leg." I said, holding onto the grips. "Just push me up on three." I said, he nodded and I started hopping, "One.. Two.." And on three I did a big hop and pulled my leg over. "Okay, I'm going to warm up, you can sit over there and watch if you want." I said, pointing to the stands.

After awhile of warming up with some basic compulsory moves, my coach called me and told me Vertello was ready. "Alright, let's start with some basic mounts." She said, as I was walking into the circle. "Okay," I said, we where going on the left rein, my stronger side.  

She lifted up her whip and I started to run out, matching my running with his stride. "Keep calm, keep your pace!" She yelled, I got closer and put my right hand on the top grip with my right hand on the side of it. "Get on George, do it!" She yelled, "One, two, three.." I whispered and I jumped up.

"Good boy George!" My coach praised, "Remember not to lean forwards before your leg is up!" She corrected, "Okay, thank you." I replied. I looked over and saw Clay sitting on the stands and smiling. I winked at him and continued to focus on Vertello.

1022 WORDS-

So, you think you're better? // DNF EQUESTRIAN AUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ