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It had been a week and a half since Clay and I first met. He had started to open up and I had learned a lot about him. You know how he seemed shy? Yeah well he's definitely not. Very cocky to be honest. I was greeted by him some days by him singing country music, I didn't mind, he was quite good, at least I thought so.

I was on my way to Vertello's stall when I caught a glimpse of him. Me was sitting on a haybale near the arena, hat over his face with headphones on. I walked up to him and lifted the hat, his dirty blonde hair lifted up slightly and covered a lot of his features. I hadn't realized how long his hair actually was until now.

"Hey," I whispered as I shook him, "I- wuh? Oh, hey princess." He said, "Oh shut up. Don't you have things to do? Get off your ass!" I said, smacking him gently. "Awhh, is the little queen having a fit?" He snickered, "Don't call me that." I sneered, "Or what, princess?" He smirked, "God you're annoying, go work your horse or something!" I said, "I wish, my friend took her for a few days though." He said.

How hadn't I noticed? "Okay, so? Get a new one then?" I said, joking of course. "Wait, that's a great idea!" He said, standing up and stretching his arms above his head. "Wait what? No I was kidding!" I said, "Do you even have time for another one?" I asked, "Maybe? I could train it for Wren?" He said, "I- how old is she again?" I asked. "Two and a half!" He beamed, "Pfft, do you think her mum would be okay with that?" I scoffed. "Doesn't have one, it's just me princess." He said.

Shit. "Oh." Was all I replied with, "Nah I don't really care. Wasn't my type anyway, some fancy English rider." He winked, "Oh?" I said, half intrigued. "Yep, cheated with some guy on the circuit. I didn't really care, she didn't like Wren anyways." He said, "Whys that?" I asked, "Said she looked to much like me. But, that is where she gets the good looks." He chuckled, "Okay then." I rolled my eyes.

"Was she a hunter jumper?" I asked, "Indeed." He laughed and I joined in, "God, I've had to deal with them before, assholes." I said, "They jus' try to tell me why I abuse my poor horsie." He said, like a five year old, "Oh my!" I said, grasping my heart, obviously joking around, "If it isn't their discipline it's abuse, every knows that!" I joked, "Amen to that." He said.

We both laughed for awhile, "Anyways, you have anything to do?" I asked, "Not really, I was plaining on going on a trail ride, if you want to come you can, I'll find some horses to saddle up." He said, "Yeah, or you could go buy a new one." I said, joking again. "Oh right! I totally forgot you said that, when do you wan' go?" He asked, "What no, we're not doing that!" I said, "But why not? I could even get you one! Imagine you on a billboard, 'Fancy FEI Vaulter turns into NFR Pro barrel racer'!" He said, "Absolutely not." I said, rolling my eyes, yet again.

"Nah kidding, but if I'm being real I have been thinking about getting a horse for Wren, she's old enough. I started riding as soon as Ma birthed me." He chuckled, "You're so weird, but, you do you." I said. "Thank you Princess." He said, "Dude, what the hell, stop calling me that!" I yelled, "Hmm, why should I?" He asked. "Because, It's weird!" I replied, "Oh yeah, how so?"

"Ugh just, shut up.." I mumbled, he snickered and started walking down the stalls; I followed. "So, have do you look for in a horse?" He asked me, "Not really sure, something that's steady and balanced, tall ish, and obviously something that's not new to vaulting." I said, "How about you? What do you look for?" I asked. "Ehh, something with a bit of speed y'know? Maybe a bit on the shorter side, and overall a bombproof horse." He said.

702 WORDS-

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