18: Bright Lights

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Song: GENOCIDE- by Lil Darkie

Azrael's POV

Did I lose brain cells during the time I was asleep? Must have, because never in my life did I think that I would comfort Storm. I'm just glad she couldn't tell my contacts were in.

I wanted to find Sunlight and get the jump on him before he could us, which would require me to go into his playing field. While I usually work at night and out of most people's line of sight, Sunlight works during the day and when hundreds of people can see him. The daylight gives him an advantage in battle since it makes him more powerful.

Leaving the plane, I slowly started to fly slower and slower, leaving the plane to go behind me. Going up into the clouds, I waited until I saw Sunlight going towards the one place I didn't want him.

It had been about two minutes and I still hadn't seen him. I thought he was almost on top of the plane, but apparently not. Maybe he stopped trailing us? No, that's not it. Where is he?

"Looking for me?" That same cocky voice that I remember oh so well called out from behind me, and then on top of me. How he managed to sneak up on me, I blame it on earlier today.

We were plummeting towards the ground at extremely fast speeds, except it wasn't ground. It was the ocean. I'm not exactly a fan of the ocean, so I really didn't want to be going inside of it. Imagine the smell, ugh.

I grabbed Sunlight by the back of his neck and threw him towards the water, while I flew up higher, "Sneaky, but you won't get the best of me! This is my territory."

Throwing people really is useless if that person can fly. But that was physical ability, we still haven't used magical ability yet. This happy-go-lucky piece of trash is dead.

I giggled as he started to draw near, "You really think you'll best me? Let's see how that works out for you."

Just then, a flash of light hit me right in the eyes, successfully blinding me. I have sensitive eyes so this wasn't exactly easy for me to get over, "I do. Where are you keeping Bliss?"

He started getting hits in while I tried to regain my sight, but it was no good. I would have to win this without being able to see, "Like I would ever tell you."

Finally hitting back, I managed to hit him I think in the gut, but I can't be so sure. He definitely flew back a bit though. I took advantage of this time and pulled out a knife. I started to regain my vision a little bit so I could see exactly what I needed to do.

"Playing dirty now, are we?" He teased, still holding his gut.

I smiled, "This isn't for you, don't go assuming everything's about you. All Heroes are narcissists, and you're no exception."

I started to draw blood on my forearm. Remember me saying my blood is toxic? Acidic is more like it. If it manages to touch someone who hasn't been linked to me, it'll immediately make that person feel extremely sick and sluggish. On occasion, it'll melt someone's skin off. I was counting on that.

Sunlight gave me a look of pure disgust and horror, as I drew blood from the other arm, "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

I laughed my crazy laugh, "You couldn't figure it out before? Everything is wrong with me. It just took you years to finally see that."

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