26: You're Mine

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Song: Christmas Kids- Roar

Lilith's POV

Every five or so seconds the ground would shake like an earthquake.

"Just try your best to ignore it, He'll stop eventually," Iris told me.

She was currently measuring me so that she could get the new suit perfect. I tried to ask her what she was planning to do, but apparently it was supposed to be a surprise.

I raised my eyebrow in question, "I'm sorry, he?"

She rolled her eyes, "Every time he gets the slightest big angry he does this. Just punches the walls of the cliff like there's totally not any people living here at all," She said, yet another tremble interrupting her, "One day, that emo asshole is going to be the death of us all."

"Nope, probably just the death of me at this rate," I said, sighing.

Iris smiled at me, "I'm done now, I can't wait for you to see what I have in mind!"

Okay, I'm not going to lie, that made me more than a little excited.

That excitement was quickly interrupted by the biggest quake yet, sending me flying on my ass, Iris too.

Iris maintained her calm manners, but she still sounded like she was about to murder Reaper, "Someone get him some anger management classes," she sneered through gritted teeth.

Rose walked into the room we were in, "We might want to temporarily evacuate, I don't think his attitude is going to improve in the near future."

Are you serious.

"If you're worried about the cliff caving in, I could probably help with that," I said, trying to be optimistic.

All I really wanted was for these people to hate me less, it was getting annoying.

Rose's face lit up, "You could?! Oh, great! That would be so nice, darling!"

I smiled and told her I'd be right back, and I walked outside to the cliff.

It was breathtaking. The ocean was a light shade of blue, clear as day. The breeze was absolutely perfect, and the grass was greener than ever. I understand why Rose loves this place so much, it's the perfect place to raise a family.

Yet another massive quake occurs, almost knocking me over this time. Glad I was able to anticipate it.

Ignoring the raging beast, I focused hard on my power. I haven't conjured anything big since before my whole death thing, but I'm sure it won't be that much different.

I started to grow massive palm trees below me, rising up to the top of the cliff where I was standing. I made them thick and tall, able to hold up anything without so much as splintering. When I decided that wasn't enough, I conjured vines to grow under the cliff side, acting as sort of a second ground to the dirt and rock above it. I also enchanted the vines to grow when the rock would dwindle, therefore always keeping the house up.

It was strange though, something felt different about this time. Like I had barely moved a muscle, when usually this wouldn't be the easiest thing in the world.

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