19: Kiss and Tell

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Song: Bad Idea- by Dove Cameron

Lilith's POV

That whole situation was so aggravating. Sun was acting like he owned me, and like I couldn't take care of myself. I've known him since I was little, but that doesn't give him the right to act like I'm some five year old.

This whole day has been such a mess, I just want to go home. To my home. In my own bed. I know it'll never happen, but it's a nice thought.

I felt a plop down on the bed, and turned to see a laid back Grim Reaper, "I take it you're not in the best of moods?"

I rolled my eyes.

  He sighed, "Thought so," Reaper sat up a little by leaning on his arms. He looked like he wanted to say something, but was hesitant to do so. We sat in silence for a moment, then he leaned forwards and finally started talking again, "Do I talk to you like he did?"

  I knew he listened to some of my conversation, but hearing that, Reaper must have heard most of it. I swear, one day this guy is pissed off at everything, the next he suddenly cares about people. I don't know how much longer I can deal with his bipolar ass, and it's barely been two days.

  "No, just like you have your head up your ass," I chimed, earning a genuine smile. It didn't take long for it to go away though.

  We sat in silence for longer, but I didn't mind. I hate to admit it, but maybe I was admiring Reaper a little bit. Not my proudest moment, if I'm not lying. Though I noticed, he was wet, and smelled like fish. Major turn-off.

  "Did you fall in the ocean or something?"

  He rolled his eyes, "He lit me on fire. Trust me when I say, it wasn't in my original plan to be submerged in dirty fish water."

  "Now who needs a shower?" I teased.

  Wrong move, he took his jacket off and threw it straight at me. I threw it on the floor, and saw a proud looking Reaper sitting oh-so innocently on the bed, "I guess we both do."

There were long scars on his arms, and two of them looked fairly new. I wasn't going to press it though, plus there were better things to look at.

  Who knew a grown man could pull off a tight crop top? I forgot how much muscle he has, and let me just say; wow.

  "I can pull off anything, love. Perks of growing up with a fashionista."

  Did I say that out loud?

  "You are forgetting a crucial detail of our situation, I can see inside your mind." He said, seemingly growing nearer.

  The tensions were getting higher by the second, and neither of us were bothering to move back. His fake accent was gone, the real one made an appearance instead. I didn't know what was going on, so I tried to speak, "Reaper, I-"

  I was cut off barely through my sentence, "Darling it's Azrael, use my proper name."

  Our lips were inches apart, until they were so close that they were touching. I could feel his shallow breaths as we got closer and closer.

  I wanted to pull back, but something was telling me not to.

  And in that moment, the craziest thing happened. We kissed, Me, and my arch nemesis, kissed. It wasn't a short one either, it was long, and passionate.

I swear, that accent is going to be the death of me.

  His lips connected to mine like a puzzle piece, and everything else just melted away in an instant. Rea-Azrael grabbed the back of my neck to pull me closer, and I wrapped my arms around his neck in response. His hand was trailing down my thigh, until he eventually picked it up so that I was straddling him.

  He bit my lip, causing my mouth to become ajar, to which he invited himself in.

  Never in my life have I felt so right about being all over someone. Never.

  Goddamn, I've never kissed someone like this before.

  Whatever this was, I never wanted it to end.

  Right when things were starting to move faster, Talia, I think her name was, walked in, "Hey Azrael I wanted to ask you about...."

  We both shot up in shock, and Azrael pushed me off of him to the other side of the bed, grabbing a pillow at the same time. He cleared his throat and faced a very confused Talia.

  "You know what, it can wait. But for the record, I fucking knew it." She said proudly, then strutted out the door.

  We both kind of sat there in utter disbelief of what just occurred. What was I doing? What was I thinking? I must have lost my mind. If Talia wouldn't have walked in, would we have...?

  "The answer to your question is yes."

  Azrael seemed to have the same reaction as me, since he let out a long groan and laid down on the bed. I chose to stay silent, as I'm still assessing the situation I just got myself into.

  He let out in a low, raspy voice, one I could barely make out, "I cannot believe I just did that. What has gotten into me?"

  I had the same question. But I wanted to get rid of the insane awkwardness that was my predicament, so I decided to ask Azrael a question. Dumb idea, but the only way I could think to release the tension in the room.

  I worked up the courage to say something, "Why are you wearing contacts?"

Don't think I didn't notice. It's pretty obvious once you get up close to someone to tell if they're wearing contacts. Why was the real question, especially since Azrael is one gifted with the ability to morph.

He took his hands off his eyes (I'm not sure why they were there in the first place), and gave me a very confused look, "That's your question? I was expecting it to be on the massive hole I just dug myself in, but you caught me by surprise there. Anyways, I appreciate the reminder to take my contacts out."

"Well I didn't want to make the situation any more awkward! Ever think of that!" I emphasized, as he proceeded to take his contacts out without a mirror. How he managed to do that, I'll never know.

"It's much too late for that, love," He said, "I'm sure you understand that not a soul can know about this. Talia shouldn't tell anyone, but I'll guarantee she won't just in case. I mean it, not a word, a hint, or a mention."

I rolled my eyes, "Point taken. Whatever happened to hiding your accent?"

"No sense in hiding it if I'm home."

And just like that, he was asleep. This day has been absolutely insane, and let me just say, I can't wait for it to be over.

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