•Chapter 14•

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"Good Guy"

"Good Guy"

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        Cory's eyes shot opened to the sound of knocking on the front door. He blinked rapidly, trying to adjust his eyes to the mid-morning light shining through the spaces between the blinds.

His vision filled with spots upon standing while rushing to answer the door. He assumed that Alida had locked herself out sometime during the night, remembering it had been quite the struggle for her to unlock it the night before in her very drunken stupor.

Cory rubbed his face, combing back his hair with his fingers, trying to appear decent for her.

        Cory's face fell at the familiar sight of capri blue eyes—he froze at the uncanny resemblance shared between father and dead son. It was like a ghost staring him in the face.

        "Cory," Brian gleamed in pleasant surprise. "Is that your car?"


"Nice ride—is it a rental?"

        "Stop it dear, that's rude." SusaBeth spoke as she smacked Brian's chest.

"I'm not trying to be rude—all I said was it's a nice ride." Brian defended.

       "It's so great to see you. Ali told me that you were back, it's good to see you're still here." SusaBeth gushed—Cory was confused by her seemingly honest enthusiasm. "Is Alida home? Her car isn't here-"

"She's probably somewhere drunk with Aunt Gretchen." Zora spoke nonchalantly, walking past Cory into the house. He was stunned he hadn't noticed her standing behind Alida's parents.

        "She's upstairs." Cory spoke dazed, looking back over his shoulder at the little girl taking a seat at the kitchen table with a box of art supplies.

"Well, do you want us take Zora home with us?"

      "Huh?" Cory looked to SusaBeth in utter confusion.

"There's no telling when Alida will wake up if she was out all night with Gretchen. We just thought we'd swing by and see if she was awake. Zora doesn't like having brunch with the members after the sermon."

"Don't beat around the bush, SusaBeth, she hates going to church too." Brian added.

        "I don't mind watching her. If she gets to be too much, I'll wake Alida up." Cory said.

Though glancing back at the little girl sitting at the table made him question why he had been so quick to volunteer.

Despite having the face of an angel, Cory was sure the little girl could be downright mean—he remembered the way she had shut the door in his face when he first arrived—Zora didn't need a sitter.

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