•Chapter 18•

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"Forget What You Feel, Remember What You Deserve"

"Forget What You Feel, Remember What You Deserve"

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        Walking hand in hand along the pavement, Cory would casually bring the back of Alida's hand to his lips, planting soft kisses along her skin.

He hadn't felt this whole—so put together—since he had left a decade prior. It was insane to think, but Cory felt as if he were home; that after years of being unhappy, he had finally figured out the reason why.

       Cory took a seat on the swing, fishing the pack of cigarettes from his pocket. He placed the filter between his lips, taking note of Alida eyeing him distastefully. He fired up the end, looking to her with a devilish grin as smoke billowed above his head in a cloud.

        "You know those things are gonna kill you." Alida nearly growled with narrowed eyes.

"Are you sure? I thought these were supposed to make you live longer—I thought they were good for you." Cory was happy to hear her laugh; Zora would be proud because the sound wasn't fake.

         "I haven't been back here in years. The last time I was here was when Zora was a baby."

         "You remember prom? My senior year—your junior?" Cory asked, giving his cigarette another draw. "I hadn't thought about it in years, but when I got to your door I started thinking about how nervous I was back then- thinking we were gonna get caught."

Biting her lip, Alida smiled in remembrance. "I can't believe Aidan actually believed you felt sorry for me." She laughed, "How pathetic did he think I really was? I could've gone with any senior that year—no questions asked. One of those pervs would've taken me."

"He trusted me." Cory groaned, rubbing the side of his face in defeat. "He trusted me and yet, I had your legs wrapped around my head by the end of the night."

"God, shut up." Alida covered her face, dying a little inside with humility.

"I was a shitty friend. I was just so in love that I was willing to risk everything—I didn't care if he killed me." Cory flicked the ashes from his cigarette, staring at the damp wood-chips beneath his boots. "I think he fucking tried."

         "That was one of the best nights of life. Ditching prom to come hang out here and get drunk on 40's."

"It seems like a lifetime ago."

"That night was probably the best sex I ever had in my life."

"I was horrible!" Cory strained with disbelief, "I was so nervous, and drunk. I was so drunk because I was nervous. I just kept trying to remember to pull out, it felt so good—you felt so good."

        Alida laughed, recalling that neither of them had thought to bring protection. Although Cory had remembered to pull out that night, their risky behavior escalated and not long after that one incident, many others had followed—one in which led to the birth of their daughter, Zora.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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