•Chapter 15•

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"May Your Choice Reflect Your Hopes, Not Your Fears"

"May Your Choice Reflect Your Hopes, Not Your Fears"

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Alida awoke with a headache. She sluggishly trailed to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Unsure of the time, she decided against a shower, hoping it wasn't past 11:30am. She didn't want Zora having to go to brunch with the members of her parent's church.

Making her way down the steps, Alida gasped when seeing Zora sitting at the kitchen table, drawing.

"Are you kidding me right now? How long have you been home?"

"Half an hour?"

"Gram and Poppy just dropped you off and left without waking me up? I'd expect this from Dad, but not Mom!"

"Cory was here."

"Cory," Alida's face fell; she had forgotten about Cory being at her house when she had gotten back last night. It wasn't until Zora said his name that she remembered he was there. "Where is he now?"

As if on cue, the front door opened. Cory entered the doorway reeking of fresh cigarettes—the stale stench had seeped into his clothes.

"You're awake." Cory stated with a grin. He was frightened by the look in her eyes—causing his smile to fade. It was clear that she did not want him there.

"Zora, I need you to go upstairs. I need to speak to Cory... privately." Alida's arms folded across her chest, staring daggers at Cory despite speaking exclusively to Zora.

Zora did as told, sighing in annoyance as she did so.

"What's going on?" Cory asked. Though there was a part of him was too scared to find out.

        "What the fuck are you doing here, Cory?"

"We went over this last night-"

"No, that's not good enough. What are you doing here—what are you really doing here? I'll be damned if I let you come back around here just to get me and my kid attached to you; then have you disappear again. It wasn't okay then and it sure as hell isn't okay now."

Cory shook his head, chewing the skin on his lip. He opened the door, and for a moment, Alida was sure that he was leaving again—for good.

"Let's talk outside." Cory insisted, waving Alida through the doorway. "C'mon, outside. I don't want Zora hearing this, you're too damn loud."

Alida rolled her eyes, doing as Cory said—hating that he was right.

She stepped onto the porch, watching as Cory carefully closed the door, making sure not to slam it—making sure Alida didn't have the opportunity to slam it.

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