•Chapter 17•

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"Not To Seek Love, But To Seek The Barriers Against It"

"Not To Seek Love, But To Seek The Barriers Against It"

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Cory stood nervously on Alida's doorstep with a bouquet of lilies; combing through his hair with his fingers while chewing on his lip.

It felt like prom night all over again; only instead of hoping that Aidan believed he was only taking Alida out of pity—because no one else would take her—all the while nervously praying that Aidan would never find out that once the event started, they would sneak away to their favorite spot.

The nervousness that plagued Cory this time around, came from a place of trying to make an impression on her, not out of fear that her big brother would discover all the things he would be doing to his little sister later that night.

Zora opened the door, a smile spreading across her face, reaching her big green eyes. "Hello. You look nice."

"Really? You're not just saying that?" Cory scratched the nape of his neck, feeling somewhat ridiculously overdressed. The only piece of attire he really changed was his shirt—a simple white button-up long sleeve v-neck shirt.

Alida appeared behind the little girl. "Hey, so... Gretchen won't be able to make it. She's covering Ethan down at The Pocket, I'm waiting on my Mom to text back to see if maybe she can watch Zora." Alida spoke rushed, clipping on the back of her earring.

Cory stood frozen, his eyes moving down the length of Alida's body—his mouth hanging open with wide eyes. She wore a long black halter top dress; the sight suddenly making Cory feel underdressed.

"Go on, tell her she looks pretty." Zora insisted, looking from Cory to Alida.

Alida shook her head, giving Zora a subtle roll of the eyes.

"You look beautiful- amazing. Really." Cory swallowed hard, being sure to close his mouth. He was damn near drooling over her.

"Now, you tell him he looks handsome." Zora coaxed Alida, tapping the palm of her Mother's hand, guiding her attention to Cory.

"You look handsome." Alida chuckled self-consciously.

"Covered up the tattoos as best I could. Can't really do much about the one on my neck, but-"

"You look great." Alida insisted. She became lost in Cory's eyes, questioning how this had happened. She had often dreamt about the day he would return, but never thought in her wildest dreams that would be anything more than a fantasy.

"We could just take Zora with us. I was thinking about going to our spot after dinner—the place we used to meet at?"

Her cell phone began to ring—it was SusaBeth. Alida had been somewhat excited by Cory's suggestion. "If she has plans, we'll bring her with us." Alida smiled, answering the call.

Zora took the flowers from Cory's hand. "Come upstairs with me, I want to give you some tips on how to win her over."

Cory went without hesitation; though he didn't really have time for hesitance as the little girl took him by the hand, guiding him into her bedroom.

He sat down on the edge of her bed, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, listening intently.

"One, don't discuss politics. She already hates living in a world she can't change."

"Got it."

"Two, compliment her manicure. She wouldn't stop complaining about how much she spent on it and feels ridiculous she even got them done."

"Okay." Cory nodded, his chin resting on his fist as he waited for Zora to go on.

"Three, if you tell a joke, make sure it's funny because if it's not, she'll fake laugh and you will want to die from secondhand embarrassment."

"I'm a funny guy, so... should be easy."

"I've never heard you say anything funny, so be careful about the jokes."

Cory pressed his lips to keep from laughing. "Is there a four?"

"Yes, don't order anything with garlic. She loves the taste, but hates the smell—she makes me brush my teeth after I eat it."

"Any other tips?"

"You find yourself getting nervous or that the conversation is running dry, ask her about flipping houses. She eats, sleeps, and breathes it. But be prepared not to talk about anything else the whole night once she starts."

Cory nodded, displaying that he didn't think it was that tall of an order. "Thank you. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were giving me pointers because you want me and your Mom to get back together."

"I like having you around—you make my Mom happy."

Cory smiled, "You didn't call her Spinster."

"Because she may actually marry you if you play your cards right."

"I'm glad you like having me around—I like having you around too."

"You're the only boy that's been around that I haven't seen her roll her eyes at... yet."

"Oh I'm sure she'll roll em at me at some point—I've seen it before."

"You talk to me like I'm a person... not like a dumb kid—like a nuisance. That's why I like you."

"I like talking to you. We like a lot of the same things, you and me. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were mine." Cory laughed.

A knock at the door caused the pair to look toward the doorway. Alida stood with a smile, leaning against the frame. "My Mom's here, are you ready?"

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