She is fangirling, hard.

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    A day. A whole day. Minho asked for her number more or less twenty-four hours ago. One of her idols, one of the people she respected and admired the most. One of the people she thought she would never meet just asked for her number ! She thought she was dreaming and wished to never wake up.

    After picking Minnie up from the studio, she took him to his monthly vet appointment. Now three months old, he needed to get his second vaccine done so he could go on walks with peace of mind. She was delighted that the vet -not really that competent since he had barely examined her puppy- told her that everything was fine with Minnie. The latter, for that matter, had fallen asleep on her lap during the trip, exhausted by the intense play session he had with his friends and the members of the boysband. But his owner was too busy with all the possible outcomes of the day to even close his eyes and take a nap.

    The end of her day had passed at an excruciatingly slow pace. Every ten minutes she would check her phone, hoping to see an unfamiliar phone number appear on her screen. Instead, the only things that greeted her were her Tumblr notifications and the messages her mother was sending her. It was in her nature to worry about things like this, so her thoughts were all over the place.

Did he changed his mind ?

    The young woman still lived and traveled with her mother at the age of twenty-two - which she did not consider a shame, unlike her friends who were making fun of her for that. She immediately returned to where she was staying for the time being, after leaving the veterinary clinic, so that her little protégé wouldn't have to walk around when he was already exhausted. And on top of that, her mother had asked her to return. And yet, she had no desire to do so, and that, for a good reason.

"Encore en train de dépenser de l'argent pour ton chien ?" (Spending money on your dog again ?) she half-yelled just as her daughter barely passed the doors of their room.

"Oui. Je préfère dépenser mon argent pour lui plutôt que dans des choses inutiles." (Yes. I'd rather spend my money on him than on unnecessary things.) she said calmly, trying to defuse the situation but still feeling the argument coming. Her mother obviously got up on the wrong side of the bed.

"Tu insinues quoi ? Que je dépense mon argent dans des choses inutiles ? Tu sais tout ce que j'ai fait pour toi, tes frères et ta soeur hein ?! Tout ce que j'ai sacrifier. D'accord vous avez peut-être pas eu tout ce que vous vouliez mais tu peux pas te plaindre tu avais un toit sur la tête !" (What are you implying ? That I spend my money on unnecessary things ? Do you have any idea of what I've done for you, your brothers and your sister, huh ?! Everything I've sacrificed. Okay you may not have gotten everything you wanted, but you can't complain, you had a roof over your head !)

"C'est quoi le rapport..?" (What's the link..?) she asked, eyebrows furrowed, knowing full well how this discussion would end.

"Le rapport ? Comment tu parles à ta mère, huh ? Débrouille toi toute seule !" (The link ? How are you talking to your mom, huh ? Manage things by yourself !) her mother got angry and left the room, slamming the door, winding the puppy up as he started barking.

"Comme si je ne devais pas déjà payer tout ce que j'utilise." (As if I don't already have to pay for everything I use.) she frowned and sat cross-legged in front of Minnie, showering him with kisses to make him stop barking. "Shh Minnie, ne t'en fais pas, maman va t'acheter tout ce que tu veux ! T'es vraiment pourri-gâté hein. Allez gros rat, ta place." (Shh Minnie, don't worry, mom will buy you anything you want ! You're really spoiled rotten huh. Come on big rat, to your place.)

    She got up and followed her puppy to his basket, rewarding him when he laid down, then she decided to take some 'me time' when he finally fell asleep. She stretched out on her bed and stared at the ceiling for about ten minutes, not knowing which way to turn.

The puppy is a cutie, the owner is a keeperWhere stories live. Discover now