An Echo Of The Past

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Another week.

I caught sight of Krokus, well on his way into Elysium. I stood jealously on the edge of the fields of Asphodel , to see if I would ever catch a glimpse of those I knew in life. Krokus' eyeline caught onto mine and his amber eyes widened with recognition. I could not approach and I was not supposed to speak to him but still I called out to him. Narcissus was not dead, so what had become of my greatest regret, Echo? "She's becoming like him," he said. He did not elaborate but he did not need to. I was crushed. She was so sweet, once. I could have saved her but I was selfish.

However, she chose this. She chose to become like him, echoing what he said, repeating what he had done with the thought of saving him. She was too far gone now to save him, if such a thing were even possible. I was not angry — I was disappointed. Maybe I could never have saved her anyway, although did I not owe it to her to try, when I was alive? I feared his reaction, hers. After so many years, I wanted nothing more than to be away from what I had been put through. I can practically hear him in my head now, telling me, "What you were put through?!" If Krokus had not been a witness, I fear I wouldn't be believed and yet, Narcissus had hurt so many people (been hurt too, I won't discount), I'm not so sure about that either.

I blame him for Echo. I blame him.

I'm not perfect but I told Narcissus once I would not apologise for mistakes that were his, not mine. I will admit there was a time I understood him. Krokus was making more friends and I had a hidden envy for a few months, until I was not so reliant on him anymore. I remembered that he would not leave me unless I did something to warrant it. Narcissus did not hide his envy and he did not get over it. I think on this each time I wonder that I can judge him, if I became him too. I feel awful that I was ever envious, even without anyone else's knowledge. I don't think that Narcissus was ever truly sorry, no matter if he said he was or not. He never acted it.

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