The Alley

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When I was a kid, my dad taught me how to lie. Surprised? Me too. When we lie, it is believed that even our bodies reject it. That's why we sweat and lose voluntary eye movements. Even the muscle in our faces can give away details of our lives hence we twitch our eyes. Back then, it was confusing because my teacher taught otherwise. Do not lie.  But I've come to appreciate it once I get older.

I've manipulated the public eye into thinking that I'm another heiress of the Rochess multinational company. I've attended charities as a snub businesswoman while smuggling guns to the mafia at the same event. Now, that I am faced by the threat of having my identity revealed, I once again thank my dad. It's now the matter of life and death.

Ethan walked to Diego and grabbed him by his neck. His fingers tightened as he grew impatient. Comparing the two men, it was clear that Ethan could kill Diego if he wants to. I feel sorry for Diego's involvement. He should not be beaten up by simply being mistaken as me. And my principles are always straightforward, which is to protect my people.

I struggled to stand up. I need to remove Diego in danger and the man holding me captive won't budge. I was about to correct Ethan when I sensed Michael looking at me. I glanced back at him. His eyes hold fury and urgency. I've known him for a long time now to know that look. We can't get out of this mess if we don't play our cards well. Once they've come to figure out who I am. I know that a negotiation where I stay alive is off the table.

"Baron, I want to renegotiate our terms." Ethan's voice boomed. We are currently surrounded by his men. My men on the other hand are either unconsious or sporting a bullet to their limbs. Some of them are laying down on the wet concrete floor, while some are restrained by the Edevanes. We all listened carefully.

I was surprised when Diego played his part well. "Why should I do that?" He tried to sound brave to match Ethan's commanding tone. If I was an outsider, I would consider them of equal power. But, seeing how Diego's face  twitch makes a big difference. Its something only a few of us can recognize. And, I am certain that it is only a matter of time before the Edevanes notice that too. I saw the muscle in Ethan's eye tense because Diego made sense. I just hope that he hasn't seen through Diego's pretense.

The Edevanes are a big mafia. They are strong, don't get me wrong. But, they also have enemies that are of the same threat. I know that the only reason they cling to us is their desperation for weapons. They've had a conflict with Torress – our competitor. The two clans used to be the powerhouse. The Torress supplied the Edevanes with weapons and keeps a tight leash on the South-American mafia. After a few wars and bodies killed, they parted, and the Edevanes reached out to us. With this information, I am confident we can still get out of this.

"I know that inspector Serano is on your ass. With him in the game, you are likely in need of protection to confuse him. Even better, remove the trails that he already has." Tempting. But, I know men like Ethan who preys on the weak. I wouldn't even be surprised that He has been waiting for this to happen.

Diego chuckled. "So, if he is, then what made you say we won't bring you down with us?" Diego raised his eyebrow and cocked his jaw forward. At this time, I'm proud of how Diego handles the conversation. It showed his loyalty to the clan. We might not be a full pledged mafia clan but our involvement to it requires men like him.

Ethan paused. He stood straighter when he suddenly drew his gun and pointed it at Diego. "I knew you'd say this. Then let me return the question." Ethan's men came forward with a briefcase. Pictures of Michael and Diego were printed with other incriminating documents that point to the identity of the Black Smith.

"See these" Ethan mentioned. "I have here pieces of evidence that could bring you down. Put you to jail" He crossed his arms and leaned towards Diego. "We can out you first before you can betray us. And by the time you have time to speak. Let's say I've already got plans I can't reveal."

The reasonable reaction to this would be to panic. Deny everything and anything to protect the Black Smith. I guess it's the crazy woman in me that made me feel more alive and hopeful. Hopeful because I now know what they know.

I've been studying the situation. Counting the Edevanes men against mine, their weapons, and possible exit points. But more importantly I studied Ethan. His stance screams power. He has deep brown hair while his eyes are complementing them with their deep brown hues. It was so brown that some of it are dancing with black. He is also sporting a month-old stubble. In conclusion, Ethan is a good looking guy. But, what caught me off-guard are not his physical features but his stance. He is determined. I know that his determination makes him more dangerous than most men.

I know we have little chance to get out of Ethan's hold. But I've been through worse. My plan came to solidify when Michael gave me a signal. His fingers behind his back moved swiftly to avoid detection. Tap, tap, tap, pause, tap. Diego seem to understood the look Michael and I shared.

Michael tried to get out of the arms of a bulky man to create a distraction. "Do you think–" He was immediately punched. He fell on the floor and then he was restricted by two more men. I can hear Michael's grunts. Guns were drawn and everyone is on high alert. The Edevanes are now looking at us. "Do you think this is fool proof?" Michael shouted. The man behind him grabbed his hair and drew a knife across his neck. His head was forced to looked up. Michael used this opportunity to stare into my eyes as he flicked his eyes upward. From the top of the building alley, I saw figures silently moving. Creeping in like shadows. They are silently taking out men one by one.

"If we don't go back, do you think the Black Smith will wait" Diego bluffed. "I trained them to bury evidences, paper trails, kill loose ends." Diego is now standing face to face against Ethan. "And they won't hesitate to wait."

For the first time. I opened my mouth. "We sure don't." And I smirked.

My men threw gas bombs on our feet and zipped line downwards from the roof edges. Some of the conscious ones fought while the other were retrieved. Diego was surrounded by Edevanes men as expected. I knocked of the guard behind me just when I twisted his arms and kicked him to the wall. I ran towards Diego. Four of the guys were already pre–occupied by some of my men so I was left to deal with Ethan himself.

I lunged towards him and slide on the ground. I aimed to hit his ankles to make him tumble when he caught mine and flipped me around. My left cheek hit the floor and I was lifted by Ethan like a sack of potatoes. I used this momentum to grab his knees and use my thighs to grab his neck. With a twist I flipped us over and I untangled myself from his grasp.

We are now face to face. He swung his right fist to my face. I dodged his attack when I lunged for his torso and kicked him on his right ribs. He grabbed my calf and pushed me to the wall. It was the right opportunity for me to escape. I know that this man has been trained all his life for close combat. It would be impossible to win against him so I ran.

I dashed towards the briefcase the moment I spotted it lying on the ground. I grabbed it and what's left inside of it hoping that it's enough to discredit Ethan. Ethan suddenly drew his gun and pointed it at me. I felt a bullet enter my skin. I stumbled forward as Michael caught me in his arms. He hulled me into the escape car while some of our men answer Ethan's gun fire.

This is just the beginning of Ethan's hunt.


Dubby dub dub!

ICYMI. Olivia is the head of the Black Smith. They are a gun and weapon supplier to the mafias which is what connects her to Ethan. However, she also has a life outside of it as the owner of the Rochess Jewelries. It allows her to mobilize her men and shipments undetected. That's why she is powerful. Ethan, not knowing who she is, only knows the Baron, as the head of the Black Smith. If you go back to Chapter 1, Olivia explained why this is the set up.

That's it! 

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