A Cold Night

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I slid inside the car once it arrived to fetch me. I felt the cold kiss of the leather against my skin as I plopped myself on the seat. My brain's fried. But, my heart is probably doing worse. It's running faster than this car could go after tonight's events and surprises. No amount of close-combat training or pistol mastery could prepare me for that.

Facing Ethan once again is excruciating because no one wants to back down. And I would bet my life that neither one of us would give up anytime soon. We are ready for any war. The way he held himself was admirable like a knight on a post. Stationed to engage in battle anytime, anywhere, with anyone. But, he is no regular knight taking commands. He is also a general. A blessed one because of his steel mind. Ethan: the man who has the build of a knight with a general's mind. But, a human like him isn't as simple as that. Trying to figure out Ethan is like math. You have to keep on trying and practicing until you get the right formula. And I only pray to God that there is one to dissect Ethan; because if there's none, I'll make sure to make one.

The scent of the car calmed me down a bit. It reminded me that I am protected and I have the privacy I need to be me. So, I let go. I let myself feel, and I felt. I can feel all the tiredness seeping into my bones from weeks of rushing everything, leading people, and planning our survival. My muscles are in no better shape as well, they are taking damage whenever I push myself to my limits. Just like today, I knew that I needed more time to heal. But, I decided to go against what is best to ensure everyone's safety. My arm is now throbbing from the stress it took. Ethan really did hurt me. I was just too stubborn to admit that I was in pain at that time. I also can't show it. Not in front of Ethan. Not in front of Serano.

The sway of the car finally stopped after an hour of dancing under the English streetlights. I tried stopping my arm from screaming in pain by not leaning into it but it's no use. My staff tried their best to put bandages on it on our way to our hideout, but it was no use either because the middle stitch got reopened. The freshly healed cut is leaking with crimson liquid.

Before I could see the entrance, I already identified Michael's silhouette from a distance. He is waiting with some of our rounding guards. When the car came to a full stop, a guard opened the door. I thank him for his assistance since my right arm is currently useless. That's a first.

Michael stepped up and looked at my injury. He didn't say anything other than nodding his head to my guards. I know that he knows what happened between me and Ethan. That's what I appreciate about him. Although we are friends, he knows his boundaries. And, he knows what I need— especially when I need space to admit my mistakes. "Let's get you inside and fixed up. The night is far from over." He motioned for us to move inside.

We stepped into a dimly lit factory on the outskirts of Brighton. The architecture of the building integrated brutalism while still embracing the quaintness of old architecture. Upon entering the factory, it is lined with machines and assembling tables. The facade is designed to pose as a manufacturing company that creates box packaging for cereals. We turned it into a full time small-scale business to cater to the local and internal demands.

It was quiet as we graced the floor onto the back office. The office is smaller compared to the other warehouse offices we had. It only has a desk in the middle with a matching chair, and a few couches that were pushed back to the wall to give way for a makeshift table.

Tonight, we are planning to drop multiple hints for the inspector to thirst for. We have been scheming for this since the news of our close encounter with the police. I specifically chose Rio de Janeiro to be the base location for this assignment. Most of my men are confident to navigate the suburbs of Rio because of their days in the gang. They said if there's anywhere they can master, it would be navigating South America. Even Diego's eyes lit up because this was his home country; a place he knows like the back of his hand. While those factors definitely helped us, I am more confident because my closest friend, Irina, is the chief of the country's coast guards.

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