The Enemy

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While I am facing the party, Ethan has his back against the scene to remain undetected due to his illegal entrance. I scanned his figure. He is wearing a common black ensemble with silver cuffs that has a letter E engraved on it. The attire is accented by a signet ring on his left pinky that matches his cuffs. From the looks of it, it's an heirloom passed to the Edevanes' don. His hair is neatly combed with some light gel which captures his structured jaw and defined nose. The dimmed lights from the party even made them noticeable whenever light touched his features. The man standing before me is a complete opposite to the guy I saw last week. Come to think of it, Ethan is an attractive man. But Ethan is not the type of guy you'd offer your heart to. He is known to make you lock your doors and pray that no one in your family ever stumbles upon them. If he isn't as dangerous as he is right now, we would've continued to be great business partners – A perfect unacquainted duo.

He stared deeply into my eyes before he broke the ice. "Ms. Rochess. I've finally met the famous Baron" He smirked as he twirled the small transparent glass with brown liquor and ice. My nose suddenly got a whiff of his drink which burned my lungs. It seems like he is a whiskey guy. He then placed the liquor on the cocktail table before leaning in. Judging by his stance I know he wouldn't start anything with the public so close with the possibility of our identities revealed. We already have the detective on our tails, so we can't afford an enemy taking notice of his affiliation to my public identity. So, I decided to play with Ethan.

I leaned into the table as well and our faces are now inches apart. "It's nice meeting you Mr. Edevanes. Although, I'm not sure if it's a pleasure to find you here." Ethan tried to move towards me but he immediately stopped when my guards flicked their hands and held into their guns. The movement was swift and precise. I can feel some of them angling their bodies towards me and Ethan, ready to jump at their respective bosses at the sign of any danger. "Easy! We don't wanna cause a scene. After all, this is a public event and you are currently Ms. Rochess – the mysterious jewelry designer in London." Ethan tilted his head and looked at me and then to my the guards at my back, gesturing to signal my staff to back off.

I looked back at my guys and nodded. They backed down but I can still sense the alert coming in waves. If anyone can see us, we would've looked like two aloof high personalities flirting around while being surrounded by a handful of bodyguards – a normal instance in high society. If anyone was curious who Olivia Rochess was flirting with, no one really dared to stare for too long.

"Cut the crap, what do you want?" I whispered. At the back of Ethan's head, I can see my mom approaching us with caution. She cut through the crown when she was approached by Ethan's men. They tried stepping in front of her too but stopped when they noticed our guards flanking her. Mom didn't like security around her but I knew I made the right decision to have her watched tonight. She recognized Ethan and immediately stopped walking. I can't say if my mom feared Ethan but from the way my mom's eye opened I know it doesn't come from admiration. Yet, she remained composed and stood tall among the crowd.

"I used to just want revenge by having your neck." I can feel his eyes on the necklace I'm wearing as if he is willing the universe to grant him sorcery and turn my necklace into ropes. Well, I share the same sentiments. I've been working hard with my crew to lose the leads Serano has on us. But we had to be more careful because we know that the Edevanes are watching.

"You were easy to track. So I thought of simply dumping your body somewhere no one else can find and have your clan submit to my demands. But, I came to a realization that you are more useful to me alive." He now started circling me and stopped on my back. I am now standing straight while willing my eyes to remain looking straight-forward. From my peripheral vision, I can no longer see him until he leaned over my shoulders. "I need information over a mafia clan, a certain pest that irritates the hell out of me." Is he a princess that expects everything to be handed over to him just because he whines?

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