Chapter 1

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"When I die, will I be everywhere?"

It was one simple question. A question that was asked before the younger boy passed out in his arms while they were at a park.

David didn't know the answer. Was there even an answer to that?

Yes or no?


He sat in the hospital room with his best friend, Darrian; Who was currently having trouble differentiating reality from fantasy after fainting for the 5th time that day.

The doctors didn't know what was wrong with him. They had ran all sorts of tests. No bacterial infections, tumors, or viruses. His red and white blood cell count were normal and organ functionality was just fine.

It was confusing and disheartening. If they couldn't figure it out then what would happen? They wouldn't just let him die, would they?

If he heard another, "I'm sorry, we did everything we could." He would lose his mind.

A nurse walked in, holding a chart and a clipboard.

"Mr....Reyes?" He looked up to see a male nurse. He was your typical white, middle-aged blonde.

"Has his parents come back yet?" The older male asked.

"No, I don't think they'll be back for a while." He answered.

It was true that his parents had come, but his mom nearly fell apart seeing her son hooked up to so many machines so they left as quickly as they came.

"Ok, I know I'm not supposed to do this but we need someone to make an immediate decision if anything happens so...we have ruled out everything but neurological disorders....or for easier terms brain problems." The nurse explains.

"Word to my dead, y'all are crazy." He was now pissed off.

"Sir, I know it's hard to accept but-" the nurse was cut off mid sentence, "accept what? There's nothing wrong with his brain." His eyes were red and puffy. He had been there for hours.

No one said anything about his brain at first, so what the fuck? The nurse calmly asked for him to give permission for a head CT scan and he reluctantly agreed.

Now he was waiting in an empty room. Alone with his thoughts. That question came back to mind.

Darrian had been acting a little weird that day. A lot more sluggish than usual. Very sad too. So David thought that if he just got him outside, things would change. They didn't and the last thing the younger boy said to him is the only thing he could think of.

What if....those were his last words? He shook his head; trying to get the thought out of his mind. He was gonna make himself cry again.

"When I die, will I be everywhere?"

Everywhere. What did everywhere mean? What did he mean by that?

New story cause chapter 9 on my other story is taking ridiculously long.

Also, I'm in my house md era so that's why both of my stories have a hospital scene.

Story was also inspired by the song 'let's all love lain." By Tokyopill. Go listen to it if ur into breakcore.

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