Chapter 4

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When Ethan died he didn't go to heaven, hell, or even purgatory. Where he went was a whole other universe. One with a totally different set of rules. It wasn't scary, but god was it bloody.

Oh, and his memories of the other world he was in once before were still intact.

Every first of the month in that world, eggs would appear next to them. They came in all types of shapes and sizes. Usually these eggs had some of the most interesting people in them, others with trauma that could bring down heaven itself.

But the one he got that month was exceptionally small, with tiny cracks all over. The colors muted red, yellow, green, and blue filled them. Nothing like he'd ever seen before.

Still, he threw it to the ground, watching it get bigger and bigger before it essentially popped.

Who laid there, passed out before him made his eyes widen in shock and horror. He knew this person, in fact, before he died, they were best friends.

Why the hell was darrian there, in this world instead of earth?

How y'all like this chapter?

Ik this chapter is very small. I'll try to make up for it in the next.

Also, idk what's going on rn but let's not send death threats to ppl over a story (iykyk).

So many questions.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang