Chapter 2

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They did the CT scan and found nothing. Then a PET scan and also found nothing.


Why was there no explanation for him just suddenly passing out?

"We....we couldn't find-." He heard him say. David didn't bother letting him finish his sentence and he stands up.

"So what? He's just gonna die here?" He asked; raising his voice. Anger was written all over his face.

They were incompetent and inept. This was pissing him off. A hospital. He had called them for help and all they could do was stand there, insecure and hesitant.

"I'm sorry sir but we did everything we could. We don't know why he's not waking up." The doctor tried to reason with him.

"Word to everything I love, if he fucking dies here, I will burn this hospital to the ground with all of us in it." He threatened before sitting back down and turning to his best friend, who laid still while his chest went up and down.

"Sir-" he interrupted the doctor again, "go figure it out. God, why are you still standing there!?" The doctor knew there was positively no way he was getting through to him. So he left without saying another word.

Darrian was his best friend. He wasn't going to give up on him no matter what. There just had to be a reason.

He wasn't gonna die here. He had made plans. They were gonna grow old together and die of old age. Not this.

That question racked his mind again, this time, raising a question of his own.

"When I die, will I be everywhere?"


Did he know this was going to happen?

Darrian had been acting unusually kind and gentle with him the entire week. And it was his idea to go to that park.

There was definitely something missing from all this. One part that would explain everything, even that question.

And by any means necessary, he was walking out of here with him alive and well.

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