Chapter 6

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Ethan half-expected the evils to bleed through the walls and attack, but they never did.

"Body positivity?" He asked. This had never been an issue while he was alive in their world.

Darrian cringed at the thought. It wasn't just because of his body.

"Yeah, I guess. Can't really remember anything else." His voice wavered.

They sat in silence for a few minutes and just looked around the room.

"...When you get back down there, give my brother the biggest hug. One that represents the two of us." Darrian noticed his voice became sort of breathy.

The memories of his brother flooded Ethan's mind, and he nodded to himself, a somber expression dawning on his face.

They both stood up together and Ethan took the other boy's hand. If and when a boss appeared, permanent death here was not an option.


He noticed a door on the opposite side of the room. Most likely leading to the outside.

He walked towards the door and without hesitation, opened it.

It revealed a house. But not one of those houses that you could usually go into, but one of those houses that you see in magazines, with the pool and the deck. It was....perfect.

They walked in anyway, letting their minds wander as they took it all in.

Getting a slight weird feeling, Ethan, still holding Darrian hand and walked to the backyard.

And Suddenly everything became dark.

A hole was dugout. It looked like a shallow grave.

He looked at darrian and his face paled. That was, Single-handedly, the purest look of terror he had ever seen.

Ethan said nothing as his teenaged mind tried to piece together the scene that was portrayed right in front of him. He felt like he was six all over again.

The memories of the past flooded back, and he could almost smell the freshly dug soil of his childhood home.

Darrian turned around to see the house he lived in for almost all of his life.

And everything started to come back to him.

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I know I haven't updated in a while but I'm back in my groove a ready to update more

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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