Chapter 3

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Leonora Lesso

I was about to kill one of my students.

'You idiot! Only the caster of the spell can reverse petrification. How many times?' I seethed. Insubordinate Nevers. Clarissa's first-years better be doing shit this year, otherwise we had absolutely no chance at winning anything. The shriek of a student in the dungeon below calmed me for a minute, before I focused back on Laveda of Bloodbrook. I tapped my cane on the ground as the bell rung. 'Saved by the bell.' I sneered. 'Do better tomorrow, or Doom Room.'

I sat down, tapping my nails on the desk. I didn't have a class until after lunch, so I could at least get through grading some papers now. 'Lady Lesso?' Clarissa Dovey walked into my classroom, somewhat tentatively. 'I need to talk to you.' 

I sighed, gesturing at one of the seats. 'What is it?' 

Clarissa shivered. 'Can we go to your office perhaps? It's a bit...cold.' She said, teeth chattering. However much I loved seeing Clarissa Dovey squirm, she did look like she had something important to say. 'Fine, fine.'

'Alright, this better be important. I don't know about you Evers, but I actually have work to do.' I gestured to the growing pile of papers. Clarissa shifted a little in her seat. 

'Erm, hypothetically, if a girl liked a girl, would that be okay? Like, hypothetically-' 

I stared. 'And this is important because?' 

Clarissa shifted around again, her eyes looking everywhere but at me. This was weird. Clarissa had wasted my time to ask if lesbians were acceptable? To be fair, the Dean probably didn't know what a lesbian was. I sighed. 

'Hypothetically.' Clarissa reminded me, as if she hadn't said it a million times already. 

'Why? Do you think you're a lesbian?' I drawled. 

Clarissa cocked her head. 'What's a lesbian?' Okay, so she didn't know. Still, with the context, you'd think it was obvious. 

'A non-man who is attracted to other non-men.*' I said slowly, as if I was explaining it to one of my most dim-witted Nevers. I looked at her. Clarissa had gone beet red. 'Any way to be more subtle?' I muttered under my breath. 

'Erm- how do you know what a lesbian is?' She stuttered. 

'How do you think, Clarissa?' I sighed, tidying my desk. Did every single bit of information have to be spoon-fed to this woman? 

'You're a lesbian?' Clarissa gasped. 

'Kudos to Clarissa for using her brain.' 

Clarissa only gaped. I raised an eyebrow, narrowing my eyes. Clarissa was many things, but I wouldn't think she was homophobic. 'Is there a problem with that?' 

Clarissa shook her head, eyes wide. 'No, no, I was just...surprised?'

I raised my eyebrow even higher, if that was even possible.

'Wait. But you had Aric - don't you need a man-' Clarissa turned red. I froze. There was a pregnant silence. This was not a subject I was comfortable with, although I supposed it would've came up in the conversation sooner or later: it had to be addressed.

'What happened...with Aric's father - it wasn't my choice.' I managed, gaze downcast.

Clarissa softened. 'I'm sorry, Leonora.'

I managed a wry smile. 'What's done is done, and can't be undone, Clarissa.'

Clarissa only nodded.

I smoothed out my gown, taking a deep breath. 'Well, so you think you're sapphic, then?'

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