Chapter 4

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Clarissa Dovey

Agatha and I stood in front of Lesso's office. I knocked on the door, which promptly swung open a mere second later.

'Agatha.' Leonora Lesso exclaimed. 'And...Clarissa.' She smirked.

Sophie popped her head into the frame, beaming. 'Hello darlings. Ready to go?' She looked at Agatha.

Agatha nodded. 'Bye Professor Dovey, Lady Lesso.'

I gave her one last hug before turning to Sophie. I smiled. 'You've come far, Sophie.' She grinned, wrapping her arms around me, though somewhat awkwardly.

Lady Lesso gave a curt nod. 'Goodbye.'

Agatha and Sophie walked out, leaving Lesso and I alone. I could feel myself turning red as I remembered our last conversation.

'You can sit down, if you like.'

I walked over and sat down, facing Lady Lesso.

Her grey eyes fixed on me. 'Aric's funeral is tomorrow. Blue Forest.'

I paused. 'I'm sorry.'

She snorted. 'I'm not. I suppose I have to go.'

'Who else with go?' I asked.

'Given his notorious unpopularity with the general population, probably only a few select members of the faculty. I would've preferred no funeral, but apparently it's 'basic decency' or some shit.'

I softened, ignoring the cuss word. 'I'll come.'

'Good.' She looked down at her watch. 'Shit. I have a class in two minutes.'

I sighed. 'You should probably get going, then.'

--- Time Skip: Aric's Funeral --

Clarissa Dovey

The funeral was very small.

The only attendees were the celebrant, Lesso, myself, Anemone, Manley, Espada, Yuba the gnome, and Freiedegund Brunhilde, the Dean of the school Aric attended after he was abandoned.

I took a seat next to Lady Lesso as the celebrant stepped up to the makeshift lecturn: a large slab of stone Yuba had found in the Blue Forest. The celebrant was an old man: greying hair, pot-belly, aquamarine velvet robes. When he spoke, it was a mere raspy whisper.

He droned on for a while, before inviting Lesso to speak about her son.

I paused, waiting for her reaction.

'Fuck this.' Lady Lesso muttered. She stood up and stalked away, walking towards Evil's castle. The celebrant stared, along with the rest of the teachers and Dean Brunhilde.

I hesitated: should I follow her? Will she be annoyed? Not giving myself another moment to decide, I stood up, following her slim figure.

She'd gotten quite a bit of a head start, and I finally located her sitting in Good's gardens. Her suit was disheveled, her red hair a tad bit wilder than usual. She was sipping from a bottle - where had she got that from? - and using her fingerglow to wilt the pink and blue flowers.

I tentatively sat down next to her. 'Are you alright?' I spoke.

She snorted. 'Obviously not.'

A giggle came from a bush nearby. Lesso blasted a purple spell in the direction, leaving two Evers scurrying away in fear.

I paused. 'Do you want to come to my office?"

'That'd probably be a good idea.'

By the time we'd made it to my office, Lesso was evidently drunk.

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