Chapter 5

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Clarissa Dovey

I opened my eyes, disorientated for a few seconds as I woke up. I rolled to my side. Leonora Lesso was lying there. I grinned, relishing the sight of Leonora Lesso in my bed. 


My alarm went off. I hit the snooze button, glancing at Lesso to see if it'd woken her up.

'The fuck is that?' She groaned. 

I chuckled. 'My alarm.' 

'If I'd known that infernal sound was going to wake me up in the morning, I wouldn't have slept here.' She complained.

I smiled. 'Come on, we have to get up.'

'No.' She rubbed her eyes.

I sighed, getting out of bed. I walked over to my closet. I picked up a gown to wear, addressing Lesso. 'I'll turn around for you to get dressed.' I said, remembering she was still naked.

'Fine.' She grumbled. I heard her stand up, grabbing her clothes from the bathroom. I waited for her to get dressed.

'Can I turn around?'

'Sure.' I could literally hear the smirk in her voice.

I turned around, looking at her. She was wearing her pants, but no shirt. My gaze fixed on her black lace bra. She grinned. I walked over to her, tracing her jawbone with my finger. She shivered under my touch. I lowered my hand, brushing her neck, the straps of her bra. I hesitated. 'Can I give you a hickey?'

She stared, surprised. 'Where did that come from?'

'Um, I- uh.'

She smirked. 'Thought you'd never ask.' 

She picked me up, guiding me to my bed. I kissed her neck gently, before clasping my teeth around her skin, biting and sucking. She moaned in pleasure. I hoisted myself onto her lap. 'God, Clarissa.' She muttered. I looked up at her, then at my alarm clock. 'Shit. We really need to get up.'

She blinked. 'Did you just swear?'

'Yes?' I said.

She grinned. 'Looks like I'm rubbing off on you.'

She put on her shirt, buttoning it up. I grabbed my gown, walking into the bathroom to get changed.

Leonora Lesso

I finished writing a note for Dovey, leaving it on her bed:

Going back to Evil. See you at lunch.

- Lesso.

I walked out of her bedroom, closing the door behind me. A movement in the shadows caught my eye. I narrowed my eyes, looking at the familiar red demon. 'Little shits.' I muttered. I grabbed the demon by its throat. 

'Hester, stop spying on me.' I growled. The demon thrashed in my grip. I let it go, watching it desperately flying away back to Evil.

I walked quickly, making it back to my office fifteen minutes before my first class. I sat down, grading some papers for a few minutes. Unsurprisingly, I was disappointed by the standards my new Nevers were at. I made a note to ask Dovey how her Evers were doing. I checked my watch. Time to get to class. 

2 hours later

The bell rang, an annoying tinny sound. 'Go.' I pointed my finger at the door. The crowd of Nevers rushed out of the door, eager to get to lunch. I walked to my office, my heels clicking on the floor. I opened the door, sighing. I was not at all excited to attend lunch, although the thought of seeing Dovey was tempting. I admired my reflection in the mirror, adjusting my collar just slightly to display a sliver of the dark hickey on my neck. That would get a good reaction from Clarissa.

5 minutes later

I entered the dining hall, making my way over to the teacher's table. Fashionably late. I glared at one of the wolves, who quickly grabbed a plate of food and handed it to me. 

'Afternoon, Lesso. Nice of you to join us.' Dovey smiled.

I nodded, digging into my food. Emma Anemone shot me a look. 'What's on your neck?'

I snorted. 'Something you've never been given, clearly.' 

She narrowed her eyes, glowering at the male professors. 'Which of you was it?'

I glanced at Dovey, delighted to see her turning bright red. I smirked.

'Not me.' sniffed Espada.

'Obviously.' I raised a brow.

Espada frowned.

'Besides, Emma, the fact you'd think I'd be interested in any of these men is frankly quite insulting.' I drawled.

Anemone glared. 'Well, that hickey didn't just appear out of nowhere, so you better start talking Lesso or I swear to God-'

'O-kay.' Dovey clapped her hands. 'Let's calm down here, we're all friends-'

'Questionable.' I interrupted, looking at Emma.

'-and I'm sure Lesso will be cooperative about this.' She gave me a pointed look.

Emma coughed. 'Bullshit.'

'I'll be cooperative when she starts being nice. Aren't you suppose to be kind and shit?'

'Lesso!' Dovey scolded.

I shrugged. 'She said 'bullshit'.'

'Alright. Lesso, please cover it with your collar. And Emma, for God's sake, be nice.'

I sighed, complying. I would definitely be talking to Dovey later. Although, maybe we would do less talking and more-

'I'll find out who it was.' Emma interrupted my train of thoughts.

'Yeah, you go do that, beauty teacher.' I flipped her off, then stood up and made my way out of the dining hall. I heard Clarissa's sigh behind me, which prompted a small smile on my face.



im also so sorry for the length, it's so short!!!! i will try and make the next chapters longer!!

thank you sm for all the reads omg

and shout out to lunnare12 for your comment!!! 💗💗💗💗

ty as well for all the votes & adding my story to your reading lists <3

i will try and update more often for the next chapters although no guarantees :')

tysm again, ily readers!!!

also don't hesitate to comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love the comments sm <3

literally have no idea what to do for the next chapters but i'll come up with smth lol

tell me what you think!

- apeculiargemini

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