Closer Than Ever

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My sleep was that good Yoko had to wake me up because the alarm didn't, and just in time to get ready for my first day at Nevermore. After getting dressed we ran to Enid's room, and after knocking at the door a girl I'd not seen before answered, she had two long black plaits that fell either side her face which held a dead expression, all I could think was 'how come she gets to wear black and I have to wear blue?'  "Wednesday!" Yoko greeted the girl "This is Keira you two haven't met but..." Yoko was cut off by Wednesday's scowls "and now we have." she said in a monotone staring into my soul. She turned to Yoko "Enid's saying goodbye to all her stuffed animals, I'm going down early before my ears begin to bleed" and with that she pushed through us and walked off down the corridor as Enid popped into the doorway "does she always act like that?" I asked "to an extent yes she wont admit it but I think she's a bit stressed about the dance in a few weeks. Although stressed not about her going to the dance but about Enid and the dance, she's over excited."  My mind was still paused on the word 'dance' "There's a dance!?" my face lit up I loved dressing up and going to fancy dances or school discos or just places where you can let go and forget who you are "yeah, the Rave'n, it's a dance held somewhere at the start to middle of the school year although it's a lot earlier this year and I'm not sure why" Enid lost focus for a second but snapped back into reality as we all realised we were going to be late for botanical science with Ms Thornhill.

We rushed to the greenhouse to see that we weren't the ones who were late because Ms Thornhill hadn't even turned up yet "Keira sit next to me" Yoko grabbed my hand and pulled a chair to the end of the table. We sat down, just in time, as a gorgeous red head with a dark blue jumpsuit and bright red boots walked in through a side entrance, "Morning class, I hope you all had a good summer, did any of you do any research on piousness  plants over the holidays?" no one said anything "I'll take that as a no, that's ok Bianca could you hand out the flower journals please" she turned and handed a pile of sage green and gold books to a girl with the most piercing siren eyes you have ever seen. Bianca had buzzed hair and her gorgeous dark skin that shined in the sunlight it was a shame she wasn't as nice on the inside, I thought as she chucked three books at me Enid and Yoko glaring at us with a sour, hatful face, "Keira now's your chance to look up what a Tribulus is" Enid whispered leaning over to me, flicking through the contents i saw it so I turned to pages 69 and 70 of the book and read in a low tone to both Enid and Yoko "Tribulus also known as the hormone plant is used for sexually arousing and boosting hormones for both men and women" my eyes widened as all our jaws dropped. Was she calling me hot?? or just calling me a whore. To be quite honest I wouldn't mind either. Looking back up at Enid and Yoko who smirked at each other "Maybe I just heard her wrong" I shrugged looking at Enid's face which looked like it was going to explode "No. You heard right, I heard it to" she nodded smiling with the corner of her mouth. I spent that lesson thinking about what she said and studying her body language towards other students and comparing it with our meeting. There was no way she likes me she probably just meant I looked like that would be my type of plant.

Class ended sooner than it begun and as everyone one left Ms Thornhill called me and Yoko to the front to get our timetables as she gave Yoko hers she was talking to her about some of her lessons as I stood awkwardly twirling my hair in my fingers. When she had done Yoko called to me "I'll wait outside for you" and she winked my cheeks flushed hot red I looked at my feet hoping Ms Thornhill wouldn't see but I don't think she noticed or so I thought, and she gave me my timetable "one of your lessons has been changed around so you can have more lessons with Yoko for more familiar faces. So instead of doing history you'll be joining her in Art" she smiled as I sighed in relief "I'm glad your happy about it, do you like art?" she asked seeing my face relax "yes my mom always wanted me to do history instead of art because of my abilities but I'm glad I can do art now I never really liked history" she smiled at me me and leant her head in "me neither" she whispered shaking her head "If you draw me something I'll put it on my wall" she laughed and pushed her glasses up. She meant it as a joke but the idea intrigued me. I giggled back at her and when looking at her eyes I realised she was looking at my lips and then back up to my eyes, her mouth slightly open I felt her breath against my face it smelt like mint and cherries (it's a weird combination but I'm guessing toothpaste and whatever she had for breakfast). Right in this moment I felt as if we were closer than ever to kissing or something but this sexual tension was ruined by Yoko coming in and telling me we were going to be late for art so I just smiled at Thornhill as she leant back onto her desk crossing her arms and calling to me "see you Tomorrow" with a big smile on her face.

Walking to art I said nothing, still shook by the tension and also quite annoyed that Yoko had ruined it, something like that was bound to never happen again. "so what happened between you and Thornhill I heard a lot of giggles and talking then it went silent for a minute I didn't want to intrude but I also didn't want you to be late and have to explain to Mr Gibbins that you're late because you had your tongue in Ms Thornhills mouth" I whacked Yoko's arm with the back of my hand as we reached the art room door. Walking into the art room Bursts of colour hit me, and looking over at the front I saw a very slender teacher sat on a stool in a paint coated apron his hair sandy and his legs were crossed a paint brushed tucked behind his ear and when he saw me he waved franticly and came over "hello I'm Mr Gibbins you must be Keira if you could kindly take a seat next to Ajax at the front I can begin" I looked back at Yoko and signalled a gay hand at her and she stifled a laugh into her bag of blood. Following him to the front of the room he sat me next to this boy who wore a beany which looked like it was moving, he turned and smiled at me as he held out his hand "hi I'm Ajax" he introduced himself, then when he saw me staring at his moving hat he continued "I'm a gorgon kind of like medusa but without being a female bad ass", "so you can turn people to stone?" my jaw dropped "Well, yeah, but that's if I don't stone myself first" he laughed "that can happen??" "Yeah of course it can it's why I hate mirrors" I nodded comprehending that the boy I'm sitting next to could easily turn me to stone "so how long....." but before I could finish Mr Gibbins called to us "Miss Thorpe, Mr Petropolus please, pay, attention" so we shut up and did the work he assigned us and accidentally brought a snake I had drawn to life, luckily snakes were my favourite animal and I was able to get rid of it fine but not before the teacher had a freak out about it. The rest of the day was just normal maths, English and science but unfortunately all my friends were in higher English and maths sets than me but lower science sets to me but I didn't complain, it gave me time to concentrate on my studies. There's a first for everything I guess.
My first day over and done with was relieving and I felt so proud of myself. Sat on my bed my diary out thinking of all the friends I made that day, thinking of what I have tomorrow and thinking of Thornhill. I bet her name is as pretty as her face, I thought to myself drifting into a daze of deep, healing sleep.

Marilyn My Love - 1st draftOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora