While My Heart Gently Weeps

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I was awoken by a sudden jolt that nearly knocked me out of bed and for a moment I forgot where I was until I heard Ms Thornhill's voice "Keira!? Wake up" I rolled over and propped myself up on my arm and looked into her deep hazel eyes "We didn't.." she looked me up and down in a panic "You know, did we?" I began to panic "Do you not remember?" I asked now sitting up right "No, no I do, I was just making sure I didn't forget" "Don't worry. We were going to but you fell asleep and asked me to stay so I lay you in bed then I fell asleep too" she put her hands in her hair then got out of bed wrapping a chequered blanket round her "Well thankyou for being respectful and not taking advantage of my state I hope I didn't do that to you" I shook my head smiling as she turned grabbing a floral shirt and a pair of jeans and threw them at me "put them on, hide your dress at the back of my bottom draw I'm going to go in the shower. when you leave make sure NO ONE sees you got it?" her instructive voice made my legs quiver and my stomach turn, I do love bossy women. I opened the bottom draw and put my dress at the back I thought it was an idiotic idea but I did it anyways because I got to wear her clothes "what should I say to Yoko?" she poked her head round the corner "You don't remember anything" she smiled faintly. After I'd gotten dressed I poked my head out a slightly cracked open door and made a run for it, it was that early that no one would be awake yet so I'm safe, I thought, but that's before I got back to my dorm.

I opened the big oak door and walked in quietly but quickly closing it behind me with a deep sigh of relief, but when I turned around I saw Yoko sat on her bed with a blood bag looking like she'd been waiting for me. Yoko looked like a mix of emotions angry, upset and intrigued all at the same time. "So, Who'd you blow me off for" she raised a brow as I stuttered "I was that drunk I can't even remember leaving the dance" she nodded and place her blood bag on her bed side table and stood up walking towards me but then she smiled at me "promise me if we see them you'll point them out to me" I laughed and replied "yes of course I will if I can remember what they look like" she looked me up and down "Wait." her jaw dropped in shock as she smiled through it "Did you stay at Thornhill's last night" "No!!" But my cheeks deceived me and began burning so I walked over to get spare clothes out my draws at the end of my bed. "Well I'm going to the quad to meet Enid in a bit if you wanted to come?" I turned to go to the bathroom "Yeah I'll come" "Ok well hurry then because by in a bit I mean now" she laughed thinking she was some kind of comedian.

Walking into the quad My eyes began not working at all and Yoko and to sit me on the bench. "You've still got your clip in do you wat me to fix your hair?" Yoko giggled "Yes, please do" So Yoko got up and stood behind me doing my hair whilst we were all chattering to Enid about the events of the dance and the juicy news was that by the end of the night Ajax and Xavier were ditched and Enid and Wednesday Ended up spending the night together apparently they left not long after I did and by spending the night together I don't think Enid meant dorm roomies I think she meant bed roomies. Yoko had finished my hair and sorting me out just in time as Marilyn came walking up to us, "Morning girls" she smiled, she looked a bit rough but definitely put in more effort than I did. "How was the dance" She asked looking at everyone but me and Yoko piped up "Well some of us left the dance too early to go stop the night at someone's dorm and then not tell me who" Ms Thornhill tilted her head and smiled at me "Well Keira you know dorms aren't to be switched unless permitted. I could tell Weems about your little late night slander of yours" I smiled and raised my eyebrows as she'd be ditching herself in the shit if she did "really?" I said in mock concern as I heard Yoko make a little squeak sound so I shot her a look "That clip your wearing, where did you get it from?" Thornhill sounded sharp but curious "Oh, Xavier got it for me from an charity shop near The Weathervane" She had a look on her face I couldn't describe if I tried until she smiled faintly "Well it looks lovely in your hair" she turned to leave and just smiled at us "See you later" and then she walked away.

The next weeks Botanical lessons felt so normal like nothing had happened, which is what we agreed on so no one will know or even guess, although every time she came near the sexual tension rose above average. My mood since that night was only temporarily lifted so I spoke to Ajax and we decide to break into the nightshades library to smoke some weed and forget about life for a while. It was the best feeling ever even the atmosphere was incredible. We had got a bunch of snacks piled next to us, we had taken blankets and pillows and we just lay there high as fuck telling each other about weird shit that's happened in the last few months "Yeah the other month I was walking through the woods stoned as with Xavier and we saw this weird ass monster that Xavier used to draw and we thought we were going to die it was so weird but when we sobered up we realised that we were just high." Ajax recalled in a very soothing stoned voice "Yeah well I slept Ms Thornhill" he turned to look at me "Woah really?" "Yeah but we didn't like do anything she fell asleep so I put her into bed but when I went to leave she told me to stay" I started to close my eyes "you should go to her at the weekend or something and try again" consumed in blanket and pillows burrowing into Ajax's arm as I heard his last words before we fell asleep "But go you" that made me laugh when I woke up the next morning but not after I realised how much I actually told him and I had some crazy ass dreams too It was a good night. "Your not gonna tell anyone about me and Thornhill are you?" he stopped and looked at me "What would I get out of that" he laughed helping me carry stuff back to our rooms "True".

When I got back to my room Yoko wasn't there and I felt this massive pit of loneliness as I stood next to my bed. it got harder and harder to breath as I started to think about how nothing made any sense  my while brain brought up ever issue I've ever been through and tears began streaming down my face yet with no air in my lungs my lungs no sound was made, until I heard a familiar knock at the door which shook some sound into me, I fell to my knees as I began to bawl my eyes out, the door opened and closed and through my blurred vision I saw a pair of red boots striding towards me "What's wrong honey" Marilyn sat next to me and pulled my head into her shoulders my tears soaking her chest "I-I have no idea" I snivelled but as she stroked my hair I felt a warm sensation drive through my veins. Thornhill pulled my head up, her hands in my hair, she kissed me on the forehead and I instantly stopped making sound yet tears still fell. I wiped my eyes with my sleeve pulling myself together before telling her "You never fail to make me feel so much better" she smiled at me tilting her head forward "And the universe never fails to pull us out alone" she raised her head and left her mouth ajar looking thirstily at my lips, I took a deep breath "can we try again?" she pulled my head in closer and kissed my lips "does that answer your question?" I stood us both up as we once again kicked off our shoes and she took her cardigan off and lay on my bed. I crawled on top her tongue tasted like mint and she smelt like roses, I noticed as I began to unbutton her blouse. After I moved from her lips down to her chest, I felt her breathing heavily as I took of my top and threw it behind me, from her chest I began to move down kissing her belly as I began to pull off her floral skirt and underwear I felt Marilyn's nails begin digging into my back. Knock, Knock, Knock. A heavy rapid knock came at the door, "one second I'm getting dressed" I called out to hear Xavier's voice call back to me "well hurry I have something to tell you" I rolled my eyes as Thornhill pulled up her skirt and buttoned up her blouse again grabbing her boots and jogging into the bathroom as I also got re-dressed. 

Walking up to the door I felt a sudden rage that we had been interrupted but I opened the door with a smile, "hey sorry" I gestured for him to come in, BIG mistake. "Yeah no worries, who's cardigan is that? am I, interrupting something??" he looked panicked still staring from the cardigan to me and back "Oh no, no, that's mine" He didn't look to convinced "Looks like Thornhill's" he shrugged "Anyways so me and the rest are going to go into Jericho later for my birthday and your appearance is mandatory, especially because it's your birthday surprise too" he grinned "Ok, ok I'll come of course what time and where are we meeting?" "about four and in the quad" I nodded and smiled I was still mega pissed at him and I think he could feel it so he said goodbye and left my dorm.

Marilyn came out of my bathroom, all dressed and sorted she sighed and picked up her cardigan, she walked close to me nearly standing on my toes one hand on my face "Karma and fate are working against each other honey, maybe another students dorm isn't the best place for us to be together" she looked into my eyes "Then maybe I'll stop by after the party" "Or maybe you can do revision and complete the homework I set you and stop getting flustered by your teacher" she raised her brows and nodded before leaving checking the corridor before so as to not be caught. I couldn't help but feel hurt, turned on and confused all at once but I just watched after her looking forward to hopefully one day being able to finish what we started the previous weekend.

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