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Waking up in the morning my head had a heartbeat of it's own. My brain pulsating until my eyes blurred, confused until I remember the events that took place the night before and my heart fell into my stomach, Marilyn was probably having breakfast with Principle Weems right now, and this made my blood boil as I got out of bed chucking on the nearest clothes, picking my phone  that had fallen off of my bed and onto my floor up and leaving the room to go downstairs. 

"Keira? When did you get home I thought you said you were sleeping at Enid's." My mother interrogated as I slumped down on a chair at the dining table which was now properly done up like the rest of the house. "Yeah I got bored so I left" I groaned "Well that's rude I hope she knows." My father looked me dead in the eyes, which was scary because he's usually really bad at eye contact and avoids it at all costs. "Yeah I just said I felt a bit sick" Which was true I felt incredibly ill from everything that went off and my head was now spinning with new information and trauma from whatever was in that house and the thought that I was just a distraction to Marilyn to get over her families passing. "Well whatever the reason I'm just glad everyone is safe" my dad spoke in a relieved tone that weirdly put me on edge. I always thought my dad could read minds but now I know he actually kind of can it terrifies me and makes me feel invaded like I can't have any secrets from him at all. The familiar ping of a message coming from my phone saved me from the tense silence and picking it up seeing Ajax's name and reading the message "hey I'm at the weathervane with Enid and Yoko if you want to drop in" I felt a sigh of relief, but scrolling down my other notifications my heart stopped as I saw a message from Xavier that made me feel less settled and more on edge "She's using you, isn't she?" of course he had a vision, why is everyone involved with my personal life I don't get it I wish everyone could just leave me the fuck alone and just keep their visions to themselves is it actually that difficult? "I don't know what your talking about. Stop dreaming about me you weirdo LOL" 

Walking into the weathervane I no longer had incredible flashbacks of Ms Thornhill leaning over me, looking me in the eyes, talking to me about the dance and Science but the thoughts of the screams and voices, the hurried wishes for safety and the longing for comfort after a deep conversation. but even though the thoughts put me down I kept my head high and walked over to the booth were my friends were sat smiling and laughing because they didn't know what was going on. "Hey Keira." Yoko wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me to her side "Hey Yoko" I got no greeting from Enid, her face looked terrified and not like her usual cheerful smiles of comfort as she burst into conversation "Finally your all here. I have to tell you guys something it's so crazy and terrifying and traumatic and I think I'm going to explode please please please just don't tell Wednesday or Tyler I told you this" My mind racing with curiosity I wondered if I should tell them about my night as well "Tell us, then I'll see if I can beat your story with my last nights story" I sighed "I doubt it" Enid burst out "Go on then" Ajax urged her "Ok Ok. So me and Wednesday were supposed to go for a girls night out turns out she'd promised Tyler to go out on a date with him..." she was cut off by Yoko "This isn't just a rant about Wednesday being a bad friend is it?" Enid death stared Yoko "No, now listen. So when we got into the 'taxi' Tyler was our driver and me and him were so confused" Enid spoke not taking any breaks as though desperate to finish her story and not give any time for people to interrupt "When we got to where Wednesday was taking us it was about two in the morning and it was just this old abandoned house" as Enid carried on talking my heart began pounding into my throat as all the pieces of a huge jigsaw were just coming together, I didn't like it, I wanted to shut it down but I didn't get the time when I realised it was too late she was already finished her story "And then the monster scratched Tyler over the chest and we had to get out of there, but what was weird was that there was body parts in jars in the basement and the only room that was done up in that house was Laurel Gates' childhood bedroom which is weird because she died ages ago. Wednesday is figuring out all the other pieces so now we just have to wait" I stood up abruptly my face went pale "I'm going to go home and pack my stuff I'll see you at school tomorrow, Yoko I'll see you tonight." I left the little café and ran down the street phone in hand messaging exactly what Enid had told me to Marilyn, but no answer, so I began to ring her over and over, yet no answer, I began to panic, what if she wasn't actually going to Weems' house and went back to hers to face the monster alone and was eaten. I got home and packed my stuff I wanted to leave to get to Nevermore as soon as possible to see if she was there.

When I got to Nevermore at about seven I chucked my stuff in my room seeing that Yoko hadn't arrived yet which was lucky for me because I took the chance to run to the Greenhouse no stupid questions asked. But when I got there Marilyn, well, Laurel wasn't in, so I took off to her room. Reaching her room door I stuttered 'you have her tomorrow just wait, you'll annoy her' came the little voices in my head and then I suddenly backed off from the door as I remembered what happened the last time I was here and changed my mind walking back to my dorm.

When I got back in I was greeted with a hug from Yoko "What happened at the Weathervane today you looked really worried" she spoke softly, her tone made me want to tell her the truth which made it even harder to lie. "I went to sleep in the early hours of the morning and I felt extremely sick and needed to go home" but that didn't work "Yeah, no, your a really bad liar. what happened last night?" nothing just did a shit tone of weed, threw up a lot, and drank myself to sleep" I spoke making another stupid excuse "Ok that's more believable" I was lowkey offended that she believed that and that's coming from 'A bad liar' no seriously I'm actually really bad at lying. "So did anything happen between you and Ms Thornhill?" My heart began to pulsate rapidly as it tried to come out of me through my throat "What do you mean what happened? nothing happened I didn't see her all week." Yoko nodded and walked back over to her bed "Well Pinocchio I'm going to go to my girlfriends room tonight" she spoke picking up a bag of stuff "you get some sleep if you've had such little." and with that she left the room.

When Yoko left I tried again to message Marilyn "My rooms empty can you come down I need to speak to you, your worrying me" but again like the rest of the messages she didn't reply which made me think, dead people are notoriously bad at returning phone calls, which made me panic which made me message her again but after asking her if she was ok for the sixth or seventh time I left it, I didn't want to annoy her so I got into bed and fell asleep, because no matter how scared I am my sleep is important and I need it now else my head will explode and my eyes will fall out.

I lay in bed drifting between realms hoping to wake up to a message from Thornhill reassuring me and saying she's ok. The likely hood of that happening though was slim to none at the rate things were going, but hope rocked me to sleep and I feel deep into the sandman's world of dreams.

Marilyn My Love - 1st draftWhere stories live. Discover now