Be My Secret With Benefits

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waking up my eyes sore from sleep I smelt a faint scent of roses and as my vision came into focus it saw what wasn't my room but a room filled with plants and clothes that belonged to none other than Marilyn Thornhill. I turned to see the fiery red hair of my Botanical teacher next to me still asleep and facing me, she was absolutely adorable in this moment  that I so desperately wished would never end. Stroking her hair out of her face and kissing her on the forehead I got up out of bed which woke her up, she groaned with exhaustion as I caught a glimpse of her sitting up and rubbing her eyes. "Morning Marilyn" I smiled putting some clothes on that were actually mine this time. Going to her during art was the awakening of what was a far from normal 'relationship'. Me and Ms Thornhill had spent a few planned nights together no sex just talking, snacking and watching Netflix on my Laptop, It was like heaven on earth with her. She tilted her head forward looking me in the eyes smiling at me "Morning honey".

Marilyn got out of bed getting changed for the day as we usually do, I would get dressed and do my makeup and sort out my hair then go and brush my teeth with her, and after I'd curl her hair whilst she did her makeup. We had a system and it worked for us. We would leave separately and cautiously after an affirmation of saying to each other "Your secret's safe with me" followed by a kiss. 

Questions from Yoko were a tense situation but I managed to get her to stop asking me stuff by telling her as soon as we are ready to be official she will be the first to know, but after deeping that thought they drifted to the idea that we weren't actually official and it had been over a month, yet I can't complain I don't want to put labels on us until it's legal at least.

All lessons carried on as normal even Botanical wasn't anything special she would occasionally put her hands on my shoulders and brush her body past mine but nothing at all noticeable. "Keira, you've been amazing recently what's going on and can I get in on it?" Enid whispered franticly from across Yoko in Botanical who looked at me with a look of 'yeah Keira?' I sighed "Well, truth is, my dad got home yesterday" I grinned excitedly my arms twitching "OMG, no way!" "Yeah so she celebrated by sleeping with her 'secret lover'" Yoko rolled her eyes as I kicked her ankle "Ooh, who's the secret lover?" "No one it's not official yet I'll tell you about her when everything is official" "Don't try analysing her behaviour she acts no different or any more or less flirty with anyone and she has no new friends I've tried everything" Yoko crossed her arms as a sharp voice flew at us "Girls please control the chatting during lesson time, you should know better" Ms Thornhill looked at us all with frustrated disappointment before carrying on. The hour ticked by as slowly as it could have done, I blame it on being last lesson on a Friday. 

Thornhill called us all to the front after class to speak about our behaviour "I'm very disappointed in you all for your behaviour recently I can hear you from the front. Enid your very bright you need to stop getting distracted, Yoko, Keira's love life really isn't your business and Keira you haven't done any of your homework recently, do you wanna talk about that?" Before I went to say no I'm ok I saw the slight widening of her eyes and took the hint "yes actually I need a bit of help with some of it" She smiled and nodded "Ok well I won't keep you long it is a Friday but you girls can leave and have a wonderful weekend" She pushed up her glasses and looked at me with a stern look but as we heard the door close a smirk widened on her face and I grabbed her waist and pulled her in to kiss me, her hands in my hair she whispered in my ear "Pack lots I'm not planning on letting you leave this weekend" I pulled back my hands in the back pockets of her dungarees and looking her up and down I mocked a voice of innocence "Yes Miss Thornhill" Biting my lip she scoffed and rolled her eyes "Right off you go and I'm serious do your homework Miss Thorpe or there'll be consequences" "Ooh, What kind" I laughed leaving her room and leaving her with a huge smile on her face. It makes me so happy seeing her smile the way she does when I'm with her, gives me butterflies every time.

Packing my stuff for the weekend I could feel Yoko's cold eyes scolding me from behind so I turned to look at her "Yes?" She looked from me to the open, half packed bag on my bed back to me again "Are you moving out or something?" Smiling at her trying to think of how to stop her from asking questions "No, of course not. I'm just going for the weekend" "The weekend huh?!" She raised her brows "Yes and I'll let you know almost everything when I get back don't worry" Rolling my eyes I grabbed a jacket and swung my bag over one shoulder "looks like your going backpacking. Promise you'll tell me one day" Sighing I looked down at my feet "I hope so. I really want this to last". Leaving Yoko alone felt awful but remembering where I was going made it all much better. I don't know what's going to happen for a whole weekend but I'm hoping amazing things and a lot of memories. My cheeks flushed red thinking about what if's that by the time I'd snuck into Marilyn's dorm I looked like I'd overdone blush "Are you ok?" Marilyn looked at my cheeks and I swear I saw her go for a little body glimpse "yeah I was just thinking about the what if's of the weekend" Chucking my stuff next to her draws She walked closer undressing me with her eyes, I can just feel the sexual tension that had been brewing for a while now and I think we were about to burst but we kept it together for now.

That night was amazing, we sat in bed and binge watched the entire of 3 different series on Netflix, "Did you want to watch the conjuring or would that be too scary" Marilyn giggled at me our legs entwined under the sheets "Ooh no can we watch something light after that I don't think I can ever get that image out of my head" She pulled my head to face her and kissed me "of course". We sat on opposite sides of the bed trying to throw MnM's into each others mouth, "Wait lemme try" I pulled an MnM out of the packet and aimed with precision closing one eye as Marilyn opened her mouth tilting her head back a bit "Hurry up then my neck hurts" she giggled, I threw it and got it in first try and she flung her arms in the air both of us laughing. We even put some slow dancing music on and danced by the window as if we were under the stars, "come here" She jumped to her feet grabbing my arms "I have no idea how to dance" She smiled "You'll be a natural with the right teacher" So I let myself be dragged into the middle of her floor as she wrapped her arms round my neck after pushing her glasses up and throwing her hair off her shoulders. The music was slow and soft and she pushed her body against mine and began leading, my hands gradually lowering from her waist to her lower back to having them down the back of her jeans she was wearing. She pulled my face closer and I felt her tongue slide into my mouth her hands sliding from my shoulders to the bottom of my top which she pulled over my head and she did the same to her own chucking them both on the floor, I picked her up and lay her on the bed only the light of a small lamp in the corner of her room by the door illuminating us as I undid Marilyn's tight black jeans pulling them off her still kissing her. I felt her warm hands slide down my front and undo the string to my soft brown joggers. feeling her hand slide down into my underwear her nails caressing me and hitting me with so many butterflies my knees felt weak holding my weight. I moved from her mouth to kissing her chest unclipping her bra and throwing it onto the floor, moving further down to her belly letting my hands go further until I came back up to face Marilyn her breathing became heavy and I felt her nails tear into my back like claws as I kissed her neck and let my fingers do the pleasing. Her breathing got heavier and heavier and as time went on she began to vocalise her pleasure "Ugh, Yes honey" she cried her nails digging deeper into my back as I hit her sweet spot her left hand above her head gripping the bed frame her right moving from in my back to in my hair. "Uh" she moaned loudly tilting her head back her belly rolling as my tongue began to trace her and my fingers twisted. Bringing my head up kissing her belly button she tore my back one last time as I teased her body, keeping her waiting. She began loosing all body control, her legs shaking gripping the bed frame tighter and tighter "Faster" she moaned loudly as I felt her entire body shake and tense up an orgasmic wave of cum left her body as I felt her relax, she let out a sigh. I crawled back up to her pinning the hand that was clinging to the bedframe in place my other hand in her hair her hand on my waist as our tongues entwined.

Marilyn My Love - 1st draftWhere stories live. Discover now